Source code for selene_utils2

This module provides the selene-based utilities for training and using 
Orca sequence models for multiscale genome interaction prediction. This
module contains code from selene.

import os
from collections import namedtuple
import sys
import pkg_resources
from functools import wraps

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pyfaidx
from cooltools.lib.numutils import adaptive_coarsegrain
import cooler
import pyranges

from import DataLoader
import as data

from selene_sdk.sequences import Genome
from selene_sdk.samplers import OnlineSampler
from selene_sdk.utils import get_indices_and_probabilities
from selene_sdk.targets import Target

SampleIndices = namedtuple("SampleIndices", ["indices", "weights"])

import random
import tabix

[docs]class MemmapGenome(Genome): """ Memmapped version of selene.sequence.Genome. Faster for sequence retrieval by storing all precomputed one-hot encodings in a memmapped file (~40G for human genome). The memmapfile can be an exisiting memmapped file or a path where you want to create the memmapfile. If the specified memmapfile does not exist, it will be created the first time you call any method of MemmapGenome or if MemmapGenome is initialized with `init_unpickable=True`. Therefore the first call will take some time for the creation of memmapfile if it does not exist. Also, if memmapfile has not been created, be careful not to run multiple instances of MemmapGenome in parallel (such as with Dataloader), because as each process will try to create the file. Parameters ---------- input_path : str Path to an indexed FASTA file, that is, a `*.fasta` file with a corresponding `*.fai` file in the same directory. This file should contain the target organism's genome sequence. init_unpickleable : bool, optional Default is False. If False, delay part of initialization code to executed only when a relevant method is called. This enables the object to be pickled after instantiation. `init_unpickleable` should be `False` when used when multi-processing is needed e.g. DataLoader. memmapfile : str or None, optional Specify the numpy.memmap file for storing the encoding of the genome. If memmapfile does not exist, it will be created when the encoding is requested for the first time. Attributes ---------- genome : pyfaidx.Fasta The FASTA file containing the genome sequence. chrs : list(str) The list of chromosome names. len_chrs : dict A dictionary mapping the names of each chromosome in the file to the length of said chromosome. """ def __init__( self, input_path, blacklist_regions=None, bases_order=None, init_unpicklable=False, memmapfile=None, ): super().__init__( input_path, blacklist_regions=blacklist_regions, bases_order=bases_order, ) self.memmapfile = memmapfile if init_unpicklable: self._unpicklable_init() def _unpicklable_init(self): if not self.initialized: self.genome = pyfaidx.Fasta(self.input_path) self.chrs = sorted(self.genome.keys()) self.len_chrs = self._get_len_chrs() self._blacklist_tabix = None if self.blacklist_regions == "hg19": self._blacklist_tabix = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "selene_sdk", "sequences/data/hg19_blacklist_ENCFF001TDO.bed.gz" ) ) elif self.blacklist_regions == "hg38": self._blacklist_tabix = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "selene_sdk", "sequences/data/hg38.blacklist.bed.gz" ) ) elif self.blacklist_regions is not None: # user-specified file self._blacklist_tabix = self.lens = np.array([self.len_chrs[c] for c in self.chrs]) self.inds = { c: ind for c, ind in zip(self.chrs, np.concatenate([[0], np.cumsum(self.lens)])) } if self.memmapfile is not None and os.path.isfile(self.memmapfile): # load memmap file self.sequence_data = np.memmap(self.memmapfile, dtype="float32", mode="r") self.sequence_data = np.reshape( self.sequence_data, (4, int(self.sequence_data.shape[0] / 4)) ) else: # convert all sequences into encoding self.sequence_data = np.zeros((4, self.lens.sum()), dtype=np.float32) for c in self.chrs: sequence = self.genome[c][:].seq encoding = self.sequence_to_encoding(sequence) self.sequence_data[ :, self.inds[c] : self.inds[c] + self.len_chrs[c] ] = encoding.T if self.memmapfile is not None: # create memmap file mmap = np.memmap( self.memmapfile, dtype="float32", mode="w+", shape=self.sequence_data.shape ) mmap[:] = self.sequence_data self.sequence_data = np.memmap( self.memmapfile, dtype="float32", mode="r", shape=self.sequence_data.shape ) self.initialized = True
[docs] def init(func): # delay initlization to allow multiprocessing @wraps(func) def dfunc(self, *args, **kwargs): self._unpicklable_init() return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return dfunc
[docs] @init def get_encoding_from_coords(self, chrom, start, end, strand="+", pad=False): """ Gets the one-hot encoding of the genomic sequence at the queried coordinates. Parameters ---------- chrom : str The name of the chromosome or region, e.g. "chr1". start : int The 0-based start coordinate of the first position in the sequence. end : int One past the 0-based last position in the sequence. strand : {'+', '-', '.'}, optional Default is '+'. The strand the sequence is located on. '.' is treated as '+'. pad : bool, optional Default is `False`. Pad the output sequence with 'N' if `start` and/or `end` are out of bounds to return a sequence of length `end - start`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float32 The :math:`L \\times 4` encoding of the sequence, where :math:`L = end - start`. Raises ------ AssertionError If it cannot retrieve encoding that matches the length `L = end - start` such as when end > chromosome length and pad=False """ if pad: # padding with 0.25 if coordinates extend beyond chr boundary if end > self.len_chrs[chrom]: pad_right = end - self.len_chrs[chrom] qend = self.len_chrs[chrom] else: qend = end pad_right = 0 if start < 0: pad_left = 0 - start qstart = 0 else: pad_left = 0 qstart = start encoding = np.hstack( [ np.ones((4, pad_left)) * 0.25, self.sequence_data[:, self.inds[chrom] + qstart : self.inds[chrom] + qend], np.ones((4, pad_right)) * 0.25, ] ) else: assert end <= self.len_chrs[chrom] and start >= 0 encoding = self.sequence_data[:, self.inds[chrom] + start : self.inds[chrom] + end] if strand == "-": encoding = encoding[::-1, ::-1] assert encoding.shape[1] == end - start return encoding.T
[docs] @init def get_encoding_from_coords_check_unk(self, chrom, start, end, strand="+", pad=False): """Gets the one-hot encoding of the genomic sequence at the queried coordinates and check whether the sequence contains unknown base(s). Parameters ---------- chrom : str The name of the chromosome or region, e.g. "chr1". start : int The 0-based start coordinate of the first position in the sequence. end : int One past the 0-based last position in the sequence. strand : {'+', '-', '.'}, optional Default is '+'. The strand the sequence is located on. '.' is treated as '+'. pad : bool, optional Default is `False`. Pad the output sequence with 'N' if `start` and/or `end` are out of bounds to return a sequence of length `end - start`. Returns ------- tuple(numpy.ndarray, bool) * `tuple[0]` is the :math:`L \\times 4` encoding of the sequence, where :math:`L = end - start`. `L` = 0 for the NumPy array returned. * `tuple[1]` is the boolean value that indicates whether the sequence contains any unknown base(s) specified in self.UNK_BASE Raises ------ AssertionError If it cannot retrieve encoding that matches the length `L = end - start` such as when end > chromosome length and pad=False """ encoding = self.get_encoding_from_coords(chrom, start, end, strand=strand, pad=strand) return encoding.T, np.any(encoding[0, :] == 0.25)
def _adaptive_coarsegrain(ar, countar, max_levels=12): """ Wrapper for cooltools adaptive coarse-graining to add support for non-square input for interchromosomal predictions. """ assert np.all(ar.shape == countar.shape) if ar.shape[0] < 9 and ar.shape[1] < 9: ar_padded = np.empty((9, 9)) ar_padded.fill(np.nan) ar_padded[: ar.shape[0], : ar.shape[1]] = ar countar_padded = np.empty((9, 9)) countar_padded.fill(np.nan) countar_padded[: countar.shape[0], : countar.shape[1]] = countar return adaptive_coarsegrain(ar_padded, countar_padded, max_levels=max_levels)[ : ar.shape[0], : ar.shape[1] ] if ar.shape[0] == ar.shape[1]: return adaptive_coarsegrain(ar, countar, max_levels=max_levels) elif ar.shape[0] > ar.shape[1]: padding = np.empty((ar.shape[0], ar.shape[0] - ar.shape[1])) padding.fill(np.nan) return adaptive_coarsegrain( np.hstack([ar, padding]), np.hstack([countar, padding]), max_levels=max_levels )[:, : ar.shape[1]] elif ar.shape[0] < ar.shape[1]: padding = np.empty((ar.shape[1] - ar.shape[0], ar.shape[1])) padding.fill(np.nan) return adaptive_coarsegrain( np.vstack([ar, padding]), np.vstack([countar, padding]), max_levels=max_levels )[: ar.shape[0], :]
[docs]class Genomic2DFeatures(Target): """ Stores one or multple datasets of Hi-C style 2D data in cooler format. Parameters ---------- input_paths : list(str) or str List of paths to the Cooler datasets or a path to a single Cooler dataset. For mcool files, the path should include the resolution. Please refer to cooler.Cooler documentation for support of mcool files. features : list(str) or str The list of dataset names that should match the `input_path`. shape : tuple(int, int) The shape of the output array (# of bins by # of bins). cg : bool, optional If `yes`, adpative coarse-graining is applied to the output. Attributes ---------- data : list(cooler.Cooler) The list of Cooler objects for the cooler files. n_features : int The number of cooler files. feature_index_dict : dict A dictionary mapping feature names (`str`) to indices (`int`), where the index is the position of the feature in `features`. shape : tuple(int, int) The shape of the output array (# of bins by # of bins). cg : bool Whether adpative coarse-graining is applied to the output. """ def __init__(self, input_paths, features, shape, cg=False): """ Constructs a new `Genomic2DFeatures` object. """ if isinstance(input_paths, str) and isinstance(features, str): input_paths = [input_paths] features = [features] self.input_paths = input_paths self._initialized = False self.n_features = len(features) self.feature_index_dict = dict([(feat, index) for index, feat in enumerate(features)]) self.shape = shape = cg
[docs] def get_feature_data(self, chrom, start, end, chrom2=None, start2=None, end2=None): if not self._initialized: = [cooler.Cooler(path) for path in self.input_paths] self._initialized = True self.chrom = chrom self.start = start self.end = end if chrom2 is not None and start2 is not None and end2 is not None: query = ((chrom, start, end), (chrom2, start2, end2)) else: query = ((chrom, start, end),) if out = [ _adaptive_coarsegrain( c.matrix(balance=True).fetch(*query), c.matrix(balance=False).fetch(*query) ).astype(np.float32) for c in ] else: out = [c.matrix(balance=True).fetch(*query).astype(np.float32) for c in] if len(out) == 1: out = out[0] else: out = np.concatenate([o[None, :, :] for o in out], axis=0) return out
[docs]class MultibinGenomicFeatures(Target): """ Multibin version of selene.targets.GenomicFeatures Stores the dataset specifying features for genomic regions. Accepts a `*.bed` file with the following columns, in order: :: [chrom, start, end, strand, feature] `start` and `end` is 0-based as in bed file format. Note that unlike selene_sdk.targets.GenomicFeatures which queries the tabix data file out-of-core, MultibinGenomicFeatures requires more memory as it loads the entire bed file in memory as a pyranges table for higher query speed. Parameters ---------- input_path : str Path to the bed file. features : list(str) The non-redundant list of genomic features names. The output array will have the same feature order as specified in this list. bin_size : int The length of the bin(s) in which we check for features step_size : int The interval between two adjacent bins. shape : tuple(int, int) The shape of the output array (n_features by n_bins). mode : str, optional For `mode=='any'`, any overlap will get 1, and no overlap will get 0. For `mode=='center', only overlap with the center basepair of each bin will get 1, otherwise 0. For `mode=='proportion'`, the proportion of overlap will be returned. Attributes ---------- data : pyranges.PyRanges The data stored in PyRanges object. n_features : int The number of distinct features. feature_index_dict : dict A dictionary mapping feature names (`str`) to indices (`int`), where the index is the position of the feature in `features`. index_feature_dict : dict A dictionary mapping indices (`int`) to feature names (`str`), where the index is the position of the feature in the input features. bin_size : int The length of the bin(s) in which we check for features step_size : int The interval between two adjacent bins. shape : tuple(int, int) The shape of the output array (n_features by n_bins). mode : str - For `mode=='any'`, any overlap will get assigned 1, and no overlap will get assigned 0. - For `mode=='center', only overlap with the center basepair of each bin will get assigned 1, otherwise assigned 0. - For `mode=='proportion'`, the proportion of overlap will be assigned. """ def __init__(self, input_path, features, bin_size, step_size, shape, mode="center"): """ Constructs a new `MultibinGenomicFeatures` object. """ self.input_path = input_path self.n_features = len(features) self.feature_index_dict = dict([(feat, index) for index, feat in enumerate(features)]) self.index_feature_dict = dict(list(enumerate(features))) self.bin_size = bin_size self.step_size = step_size self.initialized = False self.shape = shape self.mode = mode
[docs] def init(func): # delay initlization to allow multiprocessing (not necessary here # but kept for consistency) @wraps(func) def dfunc(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.initialized: = pyranges.read_bed(self.input_path) self.initialized = True return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return dfunc
[docs] @init def get_feature_data(self, chrom, start, end): """ For a genomic region specified, return a `number of features` by `number of bins` array for overlap of each genomic bin and each feature. How the overlap is quantified depends on the `mode` attribute specified during initialization. For `mode=='any'`, any overlap will get assigned 1, and no overlap will get assigned 0. For `mode=='center', only overlap with the center basepair of each bin will get assigned 1, otherwise assigned 0. For `mode=='proportion'`, the proportion of overlap will be assigned. Parameters ---------- chrom : str The name of the region (e.g. '1', '2', ..., 'X', 'Y'). start : int The 0-based first position in the region. end : int One past the 0-based last position in the region. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray :math:`L \\times N` array, where :math:`L = ``number of bins` and :math:`N =` `self.n_features`. """ n_bins = int((end - start - self.bin_size) / self.step_size) + 1 targets = np.zeros((self.n_features, n_bins), dtype=np.float32) if self.mode == "center": b = pyranges.PyRanges( pd.DataFrame( dict( Chromosome=chrom, Start=start + np.linspace(0, n_bins * self.bin_size, n_bins + 1)[:-1] + self.bin_size / 2, End=start + np.linspace(0, n_bins * self.bin_size, n_bins + 1)[:-1] + self.bin_size / 2 + 1, Index=np.arange(n_bins), ) ) ) else: b = pyranges.PyRanges( pd.DataFrame( dict( Chromosome=chrom, Start=start + np.linspace(0, n_bins * self.bin_size, n_bins + 1)[:-1], End=start + np.linspace(0, n_bins * self.bin_size, n_bins + 1)[:-1] + self.bin_size, Index=np.arange(n_bins), ) ) ) rows = if len(rows) > 0: rows_featurename = np.array(rows.Name) rows_index = np.array(rows.Index) if self.mode == "proportion": rows_start = np.array(rows.Start) rows_end = np.array(rows.End) for i in range(len(rows)): targets[self.feature_index_dict[rows_featurename[i]], rows_index[i]] += ( rows_end[i] - rows_start[i] ) / self.bin_size else: for i in range(len(rows)): targets[self.feature_index_dict[rows_featurename[i]], rows_index[i]] = 1 return targets.astype(np.float32)
[docs]class RandomPositionsSamplerHiC(OnlineSampler): """This sampler randomly selects a region in the genome and retrieves sequence and relevant Hi-C and optionally multibin genomic data from that region. This implementation is modified based on selene_sdk.samplers.RandomPositionSampler. Parameters ---------- reference_sequence : selene_sdk.sequences.Genome A genome to retrieve sequence from. target : Genomic2DFeatures Genomic2DFeatures object that loads the cooler files. features : list(str) List of names that correspond to the cooler files. target_1d : MultibinGenomicFeatures or None, optional MultibinGenomicFeatures object that loads 1D genomic feature data. background_cis_file : str or None, optional Path to the numpy file that stores the distance-based expected background balanced scores for cis-interactions. If specified with background_trans_file, the sampler will return corresponding background array that matches with the 2D feature retrieved. background_trans_file : str or None, optional Path to the numpy file that stores the expected background balanced scores for trans-interactions. See doc for `background_cis_file` for more detail. seed : int, optional Default is 436. Sets the random seed for sampling. validation_holdout : list(str), optional Default is `['chr6', 'chr7']`. Holdout can be regional or proportional. If regional, expects a list (e.g. `['chrX', 'chrY']`). Regions must match those specified in the first column of the tabix-indexed BED file. If proportional, specify a percentage between (0.0, 1.0). Typically 0.10 or 0.20. test_holdout : list(str), optional Default is `['chr8', 'chr9']`. See documentation for `validation_holdout` for additional information. sequence_length : int, optional Default is 1000000. Model is trained on sequences of size `sequence_length` where genomic features are retreived for the same regions as the sequences. max_seg_length : int or None, optional Default is None. If specified and cross_chromosome is True, bound the maximum length of each sequence segment. length_schedule : list(float, list(int, int)) or None, optional Default is None. If specified and cross_chromosome is True, decide the sequence segment length to sample according to the length schedule (before trimming to fit in the sequence length). The length schedule is in the format of `[p, [min_len, max_len]]`, which means, with probability `p`, decide the length by randomly sampling an integer between `min_len` and `max_len`, and retrieve the maximal remaining length as default with probability `1-p`. position_resolution : int, optional Default is 1. Preprocess the sampled start position by `start = start - start % position_resolution`. Useful for binned data. random_shift : int, optional Default is 0. Shift the coordinates to retrieve sequence by a random integer in the range of [-random_shift, random_shift). random_strand : bool, optional Default is True. If True, randomly select the strand of the sequence, otherwise alway use the '+' strand. cross_chromosome : bool, optional Default is True. If True, allows sampling multiple segments of sequences and the corresponding features. The default is sampling the maximum length allowed by sequence_length, thus multiple segments will only be sampled if `sequence_length` is larger than the minimum chromosome length or when max_seg_length and length_schedule is specified to limit the sequence segment length. permute_segments : bool, optional Default is False. If True, permute the order of segments when multiple segments are sampled. mode : {'train', 'validate', 'test'} Default is `'train'`. The mode to run the sampler in. Attributes ---------- reference_sequence : selene_sdk.sequences.Genome A genome to retrieve sequence from. target : selene_sdk.targets.Target The `selene_sdk.targets.Target` object holding the features that we would like to predict. target_1d : MultibinGenomicFeatures or None, optional MultibinGenomicFeatures object that loads 1D genomic feature data. background_cis : numpy.ndarray One-dimensional numpy.ndarray that stores the distance-based expected background balanced scores for cis-interactions. background_trans : float The expected background balanced score for trans-interactions. bg : bool Whether the sample will retrieve background arrays. validation_holdout : list(str) The samples to hold out for validating model performance. These can be "regional" or "proportional". If regional, this is a list of region names (e.g. `['chrX', 'chrY']`). These regions must match those specified in the first column of the tabix-indexed BED file. If proportional, this is the fraction of total samples that will be held out. test_holdout : list(str) The samples to hold out for testing model performance. See the documentation for `validation_holdout` for more details. sequence_length : int Model is trained on sequences of size `sequence_length` where genomic features are retreived for the same regions as the sequences. max_seg_length : int or None Default is None. If specified and cross_chromosome is True, bound the maximum length of each sequence segment. length_schedule : list(float, list(int, int)) or None Default is None. If specified and cross_chromosome is True, decide the sequence segment length to sample according to the length schedule (before trimming to fit in the sequence length). The length schedule is in the format of `[p, [min_len, max_len]]`, which means, with probability `p`, decide the length by randomly sampling an integer between `min_len` and `max_len`, and retrieve the maximal remaining length as default with probability `1-p`. position_resolution : int Default is 1. Preprocess the sampled start position by `start = start - start % position_resolution`. Useful for binned data. random_shift : int Default is 0. Shift the coordinates to retrieve sequence by a random integer in the range of [-random_shift, random_shift). random_strand : bool Default is True. If True, randomly select the strand of the sequence, otherwise alway use the '+' strand. cross_chromosome : bool Default is True. If True, allows sampling multiple segments of sequences and the corresponding features. The default is sampling the maximum length allowed by sequence_length, thus multiple segments will only be sampled if `sequence_length` is larger than the minimum chromosome length or when max_seg_length and length_schedule is specified to limit the sequence segment length. permute_segments : bool Default is False. If True, permute the order of segments when multiple segments are sampled. modes : list(str) The list of modes that the sampler can be run in. mode : str The current mode that the sampler is running in. Must be one of the modes listed in `modes`. """ def __init__( self, reference_sequence, target, features, target_1d=None, background_cis_file=None, background_trans_file=None, seed=436, validation_holdout=["chr6", "chr7"], test_holdout=["chr8", "chr9"], sequence_length=1000000, max_seg_length=None, length_schedule=None, position_resolution=1, random_shift=0, random_strand=True, cross_chromosome=True, permute_segments=False, mode="train", ): super(RandomPositionsSamplerHiC, self).__init__( reference_sequence, target, features, seed=seed, validation_holdout=validation_holdout, test_holdout=test_holdout, sequence_length=sequence_length, center_bin_to_predict=sequence_length, mode=mode, ) self._sample_from_mode = {} self._randcache = {} for mode in self.modes: self._sample_from_mode[mode] = None self._randcache[mode] = {"cache_indices": None, "sample_next": 0} self.sample_from_intervals = [] self.interval_lengths = [] self.initialized = False self.position_resolution = position_resolution self.random_shift = random_shift self.random_strand = random_strand if background_cis_file is not None and background_trans_file is not None: self.background_cis = np.hstack( [np.exp(np.load(background_cis_file)), np.repeat(np.nan, 2000)] ) self.background_trans = np.exp(np.load(background_trans_file)) = True else: = False self.max_seg_length = max_seg_length self.length_schedule = length_schedule self.target_1d = target_1d self.cross_chromosome = cross_chromosome self.permute_segments = permute_segments if len(validation_holdout) == 0: self.modes = ["train"]
[docs] def init(func): # delay initlization to allow multiprocessing @wraps(func) def dfunc(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.initialized: self._partition_genome_by_chromosome() for mode in self.modes: self._update_randcache(mode=mode) self.initialized = True return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return dfunc
def _partition_genome_by_chromosome(self): for mode in self.modes: self._sample_from_mode[mode] = SampleIndices([], []) for index, (chrom, len_chrom) in enumerate(self.reference_sequence.get_chr_lens()): if chrom in self.validation_holdout: self._sample_from_mode["validate"].indices.append(index) elif self.test_holdout and chrom in self.test_holdout: self._sample_from_mode["test"].indices.append(index) else: self._sample_from_mode["train"].indices.append(index) self.sample_from_intervals.append((chrom, 0, len_chrom)) self.interval_lengths.append(len_chrom) for mode in self.modes: sample_indices = self._sample_from_mode[mode].indices indices, weights = get_indices_and_probabilities(self.interval_lengths, sample_indices) self._sample_from_mode[mode] = self._sample_from_mode[mode]._replace( indices=indices, weights=weights ) def _retrieve_multi(self, chroms, starts, ends, strands=None): retrieved_seqs = [] if self.target_1d: retrieved_1ds = [] for i, (chrom, start, end) in enumerate(zip(chroms, starts, ends)): if strands is not None: strand = strands[i] else: strand = "+" if self.random_shift > 0: r = np.random.randint(-self.random_shift, self.random_shift) else: r = 0 retrieved_seq = self.reference_sequence.get_encoding_from_coords( chrom, start + r, end + r, strand, pad=True ) retrieved_seqs.append(retrieved_seq) if self.target_1d: retrieved_1d = self.target_1d.get_feature_data(chrom, start, end) if strand == "-": retrieved_1d = retrieved_1d[:, ::-1] retrieved_1ds.append(retrieved_1d) retrieved_targets = [] if background_targets = [] for i, (chrom, start, end) in enumerate(zip(chroms, starts, ends)): if strands is not None: strand = strands[i] else: strand = "+" retrieved_targets_row = [] if background_targets_row = [] for j, (chrom2, start2, end2) in enumerate(zip(chroms, starts, ends)): if strands is not None: strand2 = strands[j] else: strand2 = "+" retrieved_target = chrom, start, end, chrom2=chrom2, start2=start2, end2=end2 ) if if chrom2 != chrom: background_target = np.full_like(retrieved_target, self.background_trans) else: binsize = (end - start) / retrieved_target.shape[-2] acoor = np.linspace(start, end, retrieved_target.shape[-2] + 1)[:-1] bcoor = np.linspace(start2, end2, retrieved_target.shape[-1] + 1)[:-1] background_target = self.background_cis[ (np.abs(acoor[:, None] - bcoor[None, :]) / binsize).astype(int) ] if strand == "-": retrieved_target = np.flip(retrieved_target, -2) if background_target = np.flip(background_target, -2) if strand2 == "-": retrieved_target = np.flip(retrieved_target, -1) if background_target = np.flip(background_target, -1) retrieved_targets_row.append(retrieved_target) if background_targets_row.append(background_target) retrieved_targets.append(retrieved_targets_row) if background_targets.append(background_targets_row) if if self.target_1d: return (retrieved_seqs, retrieved_targets, background_targets, retrieved_1ds) else: return (retrieved_seqs, retrieved_targets, background_targets) else: if self.target_1d: return (retrieved_seqs, retrieved_targets, retrieved_1ds) else: return (retrieved_seqs, retrieved_targets) def _update_randcache(self, mode=None): if not mode: mode = self.mode self._randcache[mode]["cache_indices"] = np.random.choice( self._sample_from_mode[mode].indices, size=200000, replace=True, p=self._sample_from_mode[mode].weights, ) self._randcache[mode]["sample_next"] = 0
[docs] @init def sample(self, batch_size=1, mode=None, coordinate_only=False): """ Randomly draws a mini-batch of examples and their corresponding labels. Parameters ---------- batch_size : int, optional Default is 1. The number of examples to include in the mini-batch. mode : str, optional Default is None. The operating mode that the object should run in. If None, will use the current mode `self.mode`. coordinate_only : bool, optional Default is False. If True, only return the coordinates. Returns ------- sequences, targets, ...: tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, ...) A tuple containing the numeric representation of the sequence examples, their corresponding 2D targets, and optionally 1D targets (if target_1d were specified) and background matrices (if background_cis_file and background_trans_file were specified). The shape of `sequences` will be :math:`B \\times L \\times N`, where :math:`B` is `batch_size`, :math:`L` is the sequence length, and :math:`N` is the size of the sequence type's alphabet. The shape of `targets` depends on target.shape. For example it will be :math:`B \\times M \\times M`, when :math:`M \\times M` is target.shape. The shape of 1D targets is :math:`B \\times K \\times F`, where :math:`K = ``number of bins` and :math:`F =` `self.n_features`. The shape of background matrices are the same as `targets`. """ mode = mode if mode else self.mode if not coordinate_only: sequences = np.zeros((batch_size, self.sequence_length, 4)) targets = np.zeros((batch_size, * if normmats = np.zeros((batch_size, * if self.target_1d: target_1ds = np.zeros((batch_size, *self.target_1d.shape)) n_samples_drawn = 0 allcoords = [] while n_samples_drawn < batch_size: current_length = 0 chroms = [] starts = [] ends = [] strands = [] while current_length < self.sequence_length: if len(chroms) == 0 or self.cross_chromosome: sample_index = self._randcache[mode]["sample_next"] if sample_index == len(self._randcache[mode]["cache_indices"]): self._update_randcache() sample_index = 0 rand_interval_index = self._randcache[mode]["cache_indices"][sample_index] self._randcache[mode]["sample_next"] += 1 chrom, cstart, cend = self.sample_from_intervals[rand_interval_index] next_length = self.sequence_length - current_length if self.length_schedule is not None and self.cross_chromosome: if np.random.rand() < self.length_schedule[0]: next_length = np.fmin( next_length, np.random.randint( self.length_schedule[1][0], self.length_schedule[1][1] ), ) if self.max_seg_length is not None and self.cross_chromosome: next_length = np.fmin(next_length, self.max_seg_length) start_position = np.random.randint(cstart, np.fmax(cstart + 1, cend - next_length)) start_position -= start_position % self.position_resolution if start_position + next_length > cend: if ( self.cross_chromosome or (self.length_schedule is not None) or (self.max_seg_length is not None) ): end_position = cend else: continue else: end_position = start_position + next_length end_position -= end_position % self.position_resolution if end_position == start_position: continue if not self.reference_sequence.coords_in_bounds( chrom, start_position, end_position ): continue current_length += end_position - start_position chroms.append(chrom) starts.append(start_position) ends.append(end_position) if self.random_strand: strand = self.STRAND_SIDES[np.random.randint(0, 2)] else: strand = "+" strands.append(strand) if self.permute_segments: perm = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(chroms))) chroms = [chroms[i] for i in perm] starts = [starts[i] for i in perm] ends = [ends[i] for i in perm] strands = [strands[i] for i in perm] allcoords.append([chroms, starts, ends, strands]) n_samples_drawn += 1 for i, (chroms, starts, ends, strands) in enumerate(allcoords): if not coordinate_only: retrieve_output = self._retrieve_multi(chroms, starts, ends, strands) if if self.target_1d: seq, seq_targets, seq_background, seq_target_1ds = retrieve_output else: seq, seq_targets, seq_background = retrieve_output else: if self.target_1d: seq, seq_targets, seq_target_1ds = retrieve_output else: seq, seq_targets = retrieve_output if not isinstance(seq, list): sequences[i, :, :] = seq targets[i, :] = seq_targets if normmats[i, :] = seq_background if self.target_1d: target_1ds[i, :] = seq_target_1ds else: offset = 0 for s in seq: sequences[i, offset : offset + s.shape[0], :] = s offset = offset + s.shape[0] if self.target_1d: offset = 0 for t in seq_target_1ds: target_1ds[i, :, offset : offset + t.shape[1]] = t offset = offset + t.shape[1] offsetx = 0 for row in seq_targets: offsety = 0 for t in row: if targets.ndim == 3: targets[ i, offsetx : offsetx + t.shape[0], offsety : offsety + t.shape[1], ] = t else: targets[ i, :, offsetx : offsetx + t.shape[-2], offsety : offsety + t.shape[-1], ] = t offsety = offsety + t.shape[-1] offsetx = offsetx + t.shape[-2] assert offsetx == targets.shape[-2] assert offsety == targets.shape[-1] if offsetx = 0 for row in seq_background: offsety = 0 for t in row: if normmats.ndim == 3: normmats[ i, offsetx : offsetx + t.shape[-2], offsety : offsety + t.shape[-1], ] = t else: normmats[ i, :, offsetx : offsetx + t.shape[-2], offsety : offsety + t.shape[-1], ] = t offsety = offsety + t.shape[-1] offsetx = offsetx + t.shape[-2] assert offsetx == normmats.shape[-2] assert offsety == normmats.shape[-1] if coordinate_only: return allcoords else: if if self.target_1d: return (sequences, targets, normmats, target_1ds) else: return (sequences, targets, normmats) else: if self.target_1d: return (sequences, targets, target_1ds) else: return (sequences, targets)