Source code for orca_utils

This module contains the utilities for Orca-based applications,
including a class for structural variants and plotting utilities.
import os
import pathlib
import uuid

from copy import deepcopy
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from bisect import bisect

import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import numpy as np
import pygenometracks.plotTracks
from colormaps import hnh_cmap_ext5, bwcmap

matplotlib.rcParams["pdf.fonttype"] = 42
matplotlib.rcParams["ps.fonttype"] = 42

ORCA_PATH = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute())

def _draw_region(ax, linestart, lineend, color, matlen):
        [-matlen / 50, -matlen / 50],
        [matlen * linestart - 0.5 - 0.1, (matlen) * lineend - 0.5 + 0.1],

def _draw_site(ax, linepos, mode, matlen, color="black"):
    if mode == "double":
            [-(matlen) / 20, -0.5],
            [(matlen) * linepos - (matlen) / 100.0 - 0.5, (matlen) * linepos - 0.5],
            [-(matlen) / 20, -0.5],
            [(matlen) * linepos + (matlen) / 100.0 - 0.5, (matlen) * linepos - 0.5],
    elif mode == "single":
            [-(matlen) / 20, -0.5],
            [(matlen) * linepos - 0.5, (matlen) * linepos - 0.5],

[docs]def genomeplot( output, show_genes=False, show_tracks=False, show_coordinates=True, unscaled=False, file=None, cmap=None, unscaled_cmap=None, colorbar=True, maskpred=False, vmin=-1, vmax=2, model_labels = ["H1-ESC", "HFF"] ): """ Plot the multiscale prediction outputs for 32Mb output. Parameters ---------- output : dict The result dictionary to plot as returned by `genomepredict_256Mb`. show_genes : bool, optional Default is False. If True, plot the retrieved gene annotations corresponding to all windows used for the multiscale prediction. show_tracks : bool, optional Default is False. If True, plot the retrieved chromatin tracks for CTCF, chromatin accessibility and histone marks for all windows used for the multiscale prediction. show_coordinates : bool, optional Default is True. If True, annotate the generated plot with the genome coordinates. unscaled : bool, optional Default is False. If True, plot the predictions and observations without normalizing by distance-based expectation. file : str or None, optional Default is None. The output file prefix. No output file is generated if set to None. cmap : str or None, optional Default is None. The colormap for plotting scaled interactions (log fold over distance-based background). If None, use colormaps.hnh_cmap_ext5. unscaled_cmap : str or None, optional Default is None. The colormap for plotting unscaled interactions (log balanced contact score). If None, use colormaps.hnh_cmap_ext5. colorbar : bool, optional Default is True. Whether to plot the colorbar. maskpred : bool, optional Default is True. If True, the prediction heatmaps are masked at positions where the observed data have missing values when observed data are provided in output dict. vmin : int, optional Default is -1. The lowerbound value for heatmap colormap. vmax : int, optional Default is 2. The upperbound value for heatmap colormap. model_labels : list(str), optional Model labels for plotting. Default is ["H1-ESC", "HFF"]. Returns ------- None """ if cmap is None: cmap = hnh_cmap_ext5 if unscaled_cmap is None: unscaled_cmap = hnh_cmap_ext5 n_axes = len(output["predictions"]) try: assert output["predictions"][0][0].ndim == 2 except: raise ValueError("Plotting predictions with more than two-dimensions are not supported.") if output["experiments"] is not None: n_axes += len(output["predictions"]) fig, all_axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(36, 6 * n_axes), nrows=n_axes, ncols=6) for row_axes in all_axes: for ax in row_axes: ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) for i, xlabel in enumerate(["1Mb", "2Mb", "4Mb", "8Mb", "16Mb", "32Mb"]): all_axes[-1, i].set_xlabel(xlabel, labelpad=20, fontsize=20, weight="black") if output["experiments"] is not None: current_axis = 0 for label in model_labels: for suffix in [" Pred", " Obs"]: all_axes[current_axis, 0].set_ylabel( label + suffix, labelpad=20, fontsize=20, weight="black", rotation="horizontal", ha="right", va="center", ) current_axis += 1 else: current_axis = 0 for label in model_labels: for suffix in [" Pred"]: all_axes[current_axis, 0].set_ylabel( label + suffix, labelpad=20, fontsize=20, weight="black", rotation="horizontal", ha="right", va="center", ) current_axis += 1 current_row = 0 for model_i in range(len(output["predictions"])): for ii, ax in enumerate(reversed(all_axes[current_row])): s = int(output["start_coords"][ii]) e = int(output["end_coords"][ii]) regionstr = output["chr"] + ":" + str(s) + "-" + str(e) if show_coordinates: ax.set_title(regionstr, fontsize=14, pad=4) if unscaled: plotmat = output["predictions"][model_i][ii] + np.log(output["normmats"][model_i][ii]) im = ax.imshow( plotmat, interpolation="none", cmap=unscaled_cmap, vmax=np.max(np.diag(plotmat, k=1)), ) else: plotmat = output["predictions"][model_i][ii] im = ax.imshow(plotmat, interpolation="none", cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if output["annos"]: for r in output["annos"][ii]: if len(r) == 3: _draw_region(ax, r[0], r[1], r[2], plotmat.shape[1]) elif len(r) == 2: _draw_site(ax, r[0], r[1], plotmat.shape[1]) ax.axis([-0.5, plotmat.shape[1] - 0.5, -0.5, plotmat.shape[1] - 0.5]) ax.invert_yaxis() if maskpred: if output["experiments"]: ax.imshow( np.isnan(output["experiments"][0][ii]), interpolation="none", cmap=bwcmap, ) current_row += 1 if output["experiments"]: for ii, ax in enumerate(reversed(all_axes[current_row])): s = int(output["start_coords"][ii]) e = int(output["end_coords"][ii]) regionstr = output["chr"] + ":" + str(s) + "-" + str(e) if show_coordinates: ax.set_title(regionstr, fontsize=14, pad=4) if unscaled: plotmat = output["experiments"][model_i][ii] + np.log(output["normmats"][model_i][ii]) im = ax.imshow( plotmat, interpolation="none", cmap=unscaled_cmap, vmax=np.max(np.diag(plotmat, k=1)), ) else: plotmat = output["experiments"][model_i][ii] im = ax.imshow(plotmat, interpolation="none", cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if output["annos"]: for r in output["annos"][ii]: if len(r) == 3: _draw_region(ax, r[0], r[1], r[2], plotmat.shape[1]) elif len(r) == 2: _draw_site(ax, r[0], r[1], plotmat.shape[1]) ax.axis([-0.5, plotmat.shape[1] - 0.5, -0.5, plotmat.shape[1] - 0.5]) ax.invert_yaxis() current_row += 1 if colorbar: fig.colorbar(im, ax=all_axes.ravel().tolist(), fraction=0.02, shrink=0.1, pad=0.005) if show_genes: for p in [ ORCA_PATH + "/resources/hg38.refGeneSelectMANE.bed.gz", ORCA_PATH + "/resources/hg38.refGeneSelectMANE.bed.gz.tbi", ]: if not os.path.exists(p): show_genes = False print( "`show_genes` is turned off because resource file " + p + " is not available." ) break if show_tracks: for p in [ ORCA_PATH + "/extra/H1_CTCF_ENCFF473IZV.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/H1_RAD21_ENCFF913JGA.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/H1_DNase_ENCFF131HMO.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/H1_H3K4me3_ENCFF623ZAW.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/H1_POLR2A_ENCFF379IRQ.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/H1_H3K27ac_ENCFF423TVA.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/H1_H3K4me1_ENCFF584AVI.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/H1_H3K36me3_ENCFF141YAA.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/H1_H3K27me3_ENCFF912ZUR.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/H1_H3K9me3_ENCFF752UGN.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_CTCF_ENCFF761RHS.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_DNase_ENCFF113YFF.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_H3K4me3_ENCFF442WNT.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_H3K27ac_ENCFF078JZB.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_H3K4me1_ENCFF449DEA.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_H3K36me3_ENCFF954UKB.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_H3K27me3_ENCFF027GWJ.bigWig", ORCA_PATH + "/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_H3K9me3_ENCFF946TXL.bigWig", ]: if not os.path.exists(p): show_tracks = False print( "`show_tracks` is turned off because resource file " + p + " is not available." ) break if show_genes or show_tracks: browser_tracks = ( """ [spacer] height = 0.5 [x-axis] where = top fontsize = 12 [spacer] height = 0.05 """ + ( """ [test gtf collapsed] file = {ORCA_PATH}/resources/hg38.refGeneSelectMANE.bed.gz height = 25 merge_transcripts = true prefered_name = gene_name max_labels = 10000 fontsize = 9 file_type = bed gene_rows = 40 display = stacked """.format( ORCA_PATH=ORCA_PATH ) if show_genes else "" ) + ( """ [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/H1_CTCF_ENCFF473IZV.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = H1-CTCF summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/H1_RAD21_ENCFF913JGA.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = H1-RAD21 summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/H1_DNase_ENCFF131HMO.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = H1-DNase summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #2A6D8F [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/H1_H3K4me3_ENCFF623ZAW.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = H1-H3K4me3 summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #E76F51 [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/H1_POLR2A_ENCFF379IRQ.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = H1-POL2 summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #E76F51 [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/H1_H3K27ac_ENCFF423TVA.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = H1-H3K27ac summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #F4A261 [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/H1_H3K4me1_ENCFF584AVI.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = H1-H3K4me1 summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #F4A261 [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/H1_H3K36me3_ENCFF141YAA.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = H1-H3K36me3 summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #E9C46A [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/H1_H3K27me3_ENCFF912ZUR.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = H1-H3K27me3 summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #264653 [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/H1_H3K9me3_ENCFF752UGN.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = H1-H3K9me3 summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #264653 [spacer] height = 2 [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_CTCF_ENCFF761RHS.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = HFF-CTCF summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_DNase_ENCFF113YFF.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = HFF-DNase summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #2A6D8F [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_H3K4me3_ENCFF442WNT.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = HFF-H3K4me3 summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #E76F51 [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_H3K27ac_ENCFF078JZB.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = HFF-H3K27ac summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #F4A261 [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_H3K4me1_ENCFF449DEA.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = HFF-H3K4me1 summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #F4A261 [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_H3K36me3_ENCFF954UKB.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = HFF-H3K36me3 summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #E9C46A [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_H3K27me3_ENCFF027GWJ.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = HFF-H3K27me3 summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #264653 [bigwig file test] file = {ORCA_PATH}/extra/foreskin_fibroblast_H3K9me3_ENCFF946TXL.bigWig # height of the track in cm (optional value) height = 2 title = HFF-H3K9me3 summary_method = mean file_type = bigwig color = #264653 """.format( ORCA_PATH=ORCA_PATH ) if show_tracks else "" ) ) filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) with open(f"/dev/shm/{filename}.ini", "w") as fh: fh.write(browser_tracks) gbfigs = [] for ii, label in enumerate(["32Mb", "16Mb", "8Mb", "4Mb", "2Mb", "1Mb"]): regionstr = ( output["chr"] + ":" + str(int(output["start_coords"][ii])) + "-" + str(int(output["end_coords"][ii])) ) args = ( f"--tracks /dev/shm/{filename}.ini --region {regionstr} " "--trackLabelFraction 0.03 --width 40 --dpi 10 " f"--outFileName /dev/shm/{filename}.png --title {label}".split() ) _ = pygenometracks.plotTracks.main(args) gbfigs.append(plt.gcf()) os.remove(f"/dev/shm/{filename}.png") os.remove(f"/dev/shm/{filename}.ini") if file is not None: with PdfPages(file) as pdf: pdf.savefig(fig, dpi=300) with PdfPages((".").join(file.split(".")[:-1]) + ".anno.pdf") as pdf: for fig in reversed(gbfigs): pdf.savefig(fig) else: if file is not None: with PdfPages(file) as pdf: pdf.savefig(fig, dpi=300) plt.close("all")
[docs]def genomeplot_256Mb( output, show_coordinates=True, unscaled=False, file=None, cmap=None, unscaled_cmap=None, colorbar=True, maskpred=True, vmin=-1, vmax=2, model_labels=["H1-ESC", "HFF"] ): """ Plot the multiscale prediction outputs for 256Mb output. Parameters ---------- output : dict The result dictionary to plot as returned by `genomepredict_256Mb`. show_coordinates : bool, optional Default is True. If True, annotate the generated plot with the genome coordinates. unscaled : bool, optional Default is False. If True, plot the predictions and observations without normalizing by distance-based expectation. file : str or None, optional Default is None. The output file prefix. No output file is generated if set to None. cmap : str or None, optional Default is None. The colormap for plotting scaled interactions (log fold over distance-based background). If None, use colormaps.hnh_cmap_ext5. unscaled_cmap : str or None, optional Default is None. The colormap for plotting unscaled interactions (log balanced contact score). If None, use colormaps.hnh_cmap_ext5. colorbar : bool, optional Default is True. Whether to plot the colorbar. maskpred : bool, optional Default is True. If True, the prediction heatmaps are masked at positions where the observed data have missing values when observed data are provided in output dict. vmin : int, optional Default is -1. The lowerbound value for heatmap colormap. vmax : int, optional Default is 2. The upperbound value for heatmap colormap. model_labels : list(str), optional Model labels for plotting. Default is ["H1-ESC", "HFF"]. Returns ------- None """ if cmap is None: cmap = hnh_cmap_ext5 if unscaled_cmap is None: unscaled_cmap = hnh_cmap_ext5 n_axes = len(output["predictions"]) try: assert output["predictions"][0][0].ndim == 2 except: raise ValueError("Plotting predictions with more than two-dimensions are not supported.") if output["experiments"] is not None: n_axes += len(output["predictions"]) fig, all_axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(24, 6 * n_axes), nrows=n_axes, ncols=4) for row_axes in all_axes: for ax in row_axes: ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) for i, xlabel in enumerate(["32Mb", "64Mb", "128Mb", "256Mb"]): all_axes[-1, i].set_xlabel(xlabel, labelpad=20, fontsize=20, weight="black") if output["experiments"] is not None: current_axis = 0 for label in model_labels: for suffix in [" Pred", " Obs"]: all_axes[current_axis, 0].set_ylabel( label + suffix, labelpad=20, fontsize=20, weight="black", rotation="horizontal", ha="right", va="center", ) current_axis += 1 else: current_axis = 0 for label in model_labels: for suffix in [" Pred"]: all_axes[current_axis, 0].set_ylabel( label + suffix, labelpad=20, fontsize=20, weight="black", rotation="horizontal", ha="right", va="center", ) current_axis += 1 def _plot_pred(ii, ax, model_i, key="predictions", maskpred=False): s = int(output["start_coords"][ii]) e = int(output["end_coords"][ii]) padlen = int(output["start_coords"][ii] + 256000000 / 2 ** (ii)) - e if padlen > 0 and output["padding_chr"] is not None: regionstr = ( output["chr"] + ":" + str(s) + "-" + str(e) + "; " + output["padding_chr"] + ":0-" + str(padlen) ) else: regionstr = output["chr"] + ":" + str(s) + "-" + str(e) if show_coordinates: ax.set_title(regionstr, fontsize=14, pad=4) if unscaled: plotmat = output[key][model_i][ii] + np.log(output["normmats"][model_i][ii]) im = ax.imshow( plotmat, interpolation="none", cmap=unscaled_cmap, vmax=np.max(np.diag(plotmat, k=1)), ) else: plotmat = output[key][model_i][ii] im = ax.imshow(plotmat, interpolation="none", cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if padlen > 0: # draw chr boundary chrlen_ratio = 1 - padlen / (256000000 / 2 ** (ii)) ax.plot( [chrlen_ratio * plotmat.shape[0] - 0.5, chrlen_ratio * plotmat.shape[0] - 0.5], [-0.5, plotmat.shape[0] - 0.5], color="black", linewidth=0.2, zorder=10, ) ax.plot( [-0.5, plotmat.shape[0] - 0.5], [chrlen_ratio * plotmat.shape[0] - 0.5, chrlen_ratio * plotmat.shape[0] - 0.5], color="black", linewidth=0.2, zorder=10, ) if output["annos"]: for r in output["annos"][ii]: if len(r) == 3: _draw_region(ax, r[0], r[1], r[2], plotmat.shape[1]) elif len(r) == 2: _draw_site(ax, r[0], r[1], plotmat.shape[1]) ax.axis([-0.5, plotmat.shape[1] - 0.5, -0.5, plotmat.shape[1] - 0.5]) ax.invert_yaxis() if maskpred: if output["experiments"]: ax.imshow( np.isnan(output["experiments"][0][ii]), interpolation="none", cmap=bwcmap, ) return im current_row = 0 for model_i in range(len(output["predictions"])): for ii, ax in enumerate(reversed(all_axes[current_row])): im = _plot_pred(ii, ax, model_i, key="predictions", maskpred=maskpred) current_row += 1 if output["experiments"]: for ii, ax in enumerate(reversed(all_axes[current_row])): im = _plot_pred(ii, ax, model_i, key="experiments") current_row += 1 if colorbar: fig.colorbar(im, ax=all_axes.ravel().tolist(), fraction=0.02, shrink=0.1, pad=0.005) if file is not None: with PdfPages(file) as pdf: pdf.savefig(fig, dpi=300) plt.close("all")
GRange = namedtuple("GRange", ["chr", "start", "end", "strand"]) LGRange = namedtuple("LGRange", ["len", "ref"])
[docs]class StructuralChange2(object): """ This class stores and manupulating structural changes for a single chromosome and allow querying the mutated chromosome by coordinates by providing utilities for retrieving the corresponding reference genome segments. The basic operations that StructuralChange2 supports are duplication, deletion, inversion, insertion, and concatenation. StructuralChange2 objects can be concatenated with '+' operator, this operation allows concatenating two chromosomes. '+' can be combined with other basic operations to create fused chromosomes. These operations can be used sequentially to introduce arbitrarily complex structural changes. However, note that the coordinates are dynamically updated after each operation reflecting the current state of the chromosome, thus coordinates specified in later operation must take into account of the effects of all previous operations. Parameters ---------- chr_name : str Name of the reference chromosome. length : int The length of the reference chromosome. Attributes ------- segments : list(LGRange) List of reference genome segments that constitute the (mutated) chromosome. Each element is a LGRange namedtuple (length and a GRange namedtuple (chr: str, start: int, end: int, strand: str)). chr_name : str Name of the chromosome coord_points : list(int) Stores `N+1` key coordinates where `N` is the number of segments. The key coordinates are 0, segment junction positions, and chromosome end coordinate. `coord_points` reflects the current state of the chromosome. """ def __init__(self, chr_name, length): self.segments = [LGRange(length, GRange(chr_name, 0, length, "+"))] self.chr_name = chr_name self.coord_points = [0, length] def _coord_sync(self): self.coord_points = [0] for seg in self.segments: self.coord_points.append(self.coord_points[-1] + seg.len) def _split(self, pos): segind = bisect(self.coord_points, pos) - 1 segstart = self.coord_points[segind] if pos != segstart: # split segment ref_chr, ref_s, ref_e, ref_strand = self.segments[segind].ref if ref_strand == "+": ref_1 = GRange(ref_chr, ref_s, ref_s + pos - segstart, "+") ref_2 = GRange(ref_chr, ref_s + pos - segstart, ref_e, "+") else: ref_1 = GRange(ref_chr, ref_e - (pos - segstart), ref_e, "-") ref_2 = GRange(ref_chr, ref_s, ref_e - (pos - segstart), "-") self.segments[segind] = LGRange(ref_1.end - ref_1.start, ref_1) self.segments.insert(segind + 1, LGRange(ref_2.end - ref_2.start, ref_2)) self._coord_sync() def __add__(self, b): a = deepcopy(self) a.segments = a.segments + b.segments alen = len(a.coord_points) a.coord_points = a.coord_points + b.coord_points[1:] for i in range(alen, len(a.coord_points)): a.coord_points[i] += a.coord_points[alen - 1] return a
[docs] def duplicate(self, start, end): """ Duplicate a genomic region. """ # start and end in cgenome coordinates self._split(start) self._split(end) ind_s = bisect(self.coord_points, start) - 1 ind_e = bisect(self.coord_points, end) - 1 for i, seg in enumerate(self.segments[ind_s:ind_e]): self.segments.insert(ind_e + i, deepcopy(seg)) self._coord_sync()
[docs] def insert(self, start, length, strand="+", name=None): """ Insert a genomic sequence with given length. """ self._split(start) ind_s = bisect(self.coord_points, start) - 1 if not name: name = "ins" + str(start) + "_" + str(length) self.segments.insert(ind_s, LGRange(length, GRange(name, 0, length, strand))) self._coord_sync()
[docs] def delete(self, start, end): """ Delete a genomic region. """ # start and end in cgenome coordinates self._split(start) self._split(end) ind_s = bisect(self.coord_points, start) - 1 ind_e = bisect(self.coord_points, end) - 1 del self.segments[ind_s:ind_e] self._coord_sync()
[docs] def invert(self, start, end): """ Invert a genomic region. """ # start and end in cgenome coordinates self._split(start) self._split(end) ind_s = bisect(self.coord_points, start) - 1 ind_e = bisect(self.coord_points, end) - 1 self.segments[ind_s:ind_e] = self.segments[ind_s:ind_e][::-1] for i in range(ind_s, ind_e): self.segments[i] = LGRange( self.segments[i].len, GRange( self.segments[i].ref.chr, self.segments[i].ref.start, self.segments[i].ref.end, "-" if self.segments[i].ref.strand == "+" else "-", ), ) self._coord_sync()
[docs] def query(self, start, end): """ Retrieve the segments in the reference genome that constitute the specified interval in the mutated genome. """ ind_s = bisect(self.coord_points, start) - 1 ind_e = bisect(self.coord_points, end) ref_coords = [deepcopy(seg.ref) for seg in self.segments[ind_s:ind_e]] if ref_coords[0]: if ref_coords[0].strand == "+": ref_coords[0] = GRange( ref_coords[0].chr, ref_coords[0].start + start - self.coord_points[ind_s], ref_coords[0].end, ref_coords[0].strand, ) else: ref_coords[0] = GRange( ref_coords[0].chr, ref_coords[0].start, ref_coords[0].end - (start - self.coord_points[ind_s]), ref_coords[0].strand, ) # when end exceeds length if ind_e == len(self.coord_points): if end > self.coord_points[-1]: print(f"Warning: query end {end} exceed limit {self.coord_points[-1]}!") else: if ref_coords[-1]: if ref_coords[-1].strand == "+": ref_coords[-1] = GRange( ref_coords[-1].chr, ref_coords[-1].start, ref_coords[-1].end - (self.coord_points[ind_e] - end), ref_coords[-1].strand, ) else: ref_coords[-1] = GRange( ref_coords[-1].chr, ref_coords[-1].start + (self.coord_points[ind_e] - end), ref_coords[-1].end, ref_coords[-1].strand, ) return ref_coords
[docs] def query_ref(self, chr_name, start, end): """ Retrieve regions that correspond to the specified reference genome interval in the mutated genome. """ current_coords = [] ref_coords = [] for i, (seglen, refseg) in enumerate(self.segments): if refseg.chr == chr_name: if start < refseg.end or end >= refseg.start: ref_coords.append( [ np.clip(start, refseg.start, refseg.end), np.clip(end, refseg.start, refseg.end), ] ) if refseg.strand == "+": current_coords.append( [ self.coord_points[i] + np.clip(start - refseg.start, 0, seglen), self.coord_points[i] + np.clip(end - refseg.start, 0, seglen), "+", ] ) else: current_coords.append( [ self.coord_points[i + 1] - np.clip(start - refseg.start, 0, seglen), self.coord_points[i + 1] - np.clip(end - refseg.start, 0, seglen), "-", ] ) return ref_coords, current_coords
def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, slice): return self.query(key.start, key.stop)
[docs]def process_anno(anno_scaled, base=0, window_radius=16000000): """ Process annotations to the format used by Orca plotting functions such as `genomeplot` and `genomeplot_256Mb`. Parameters ---------- anno_scaled : list(list(...)) List of annotations. Each annotation can be a region specified by `[start: int, end: int, info:str]` or a position specified by `[pos: int, info:str]`. Acceptable info strings for region currently include color names for matplotlib. Acceptable info strings for position are currently 'single' or 'double', which direct whether the annotation is drawn by single or double lines. base : int The starting position of the 32Mb (if window_radius is 16000000) or 256Mb (if window_radius is 128000000) region analyzed. window_radius : int The size of the region analyzed. It must be either 16000000 (32Mb region) or 128000000 (256Mb region). Returns ------- annotation : list Processed annotations with coordinates transformed to relative coordinate in the range of 0-1. """ annotation = [] for r in anno_scaled: if len(r) == 3: annotation.append( [(r[0] - base) / (window_radius * 2), (r[1] - base) / (window_radius * 2), r[2],] ) elif len(r) == 2: annotation.append([(r[0] - base) / (window_radius * 2), r[1]]) else: raise ValueError return annotation
[docs]def coord_clip(pos, chrlen, binsize=128000, window_radius=16000000): """ Clip the coordinate to make sure that full window centered at the coordinate to stay within chromosome boundaries. coord_clip also try to preserve the relative position of the coordinate to the grid as specified by binsize whenever possible. Parameters ---------- x : int or numpy.ndarray Coordinates to round. gridsize : int The gridsize to round by Returns ------- int The clipped coordinate """ if pos < binsize or pos > chrlen - binsize: return np.clip(pos, window_radius, chrlen - window_radius) else: if (chrlen - window_radius) % binsize > pos % binsize: endclip = chrlen - window_radius - ((chrlen - window_radius) % binsize - pos % binsize) else: endclip = ( chrlen - window_radius - binsize - ((chrlen - window_radius) % binsize - pos % binsize) ) return np.clip(pos, window_radius + pos % binsize, endclip)
[docs]def coord_round(x, gridsize=4000): """ Round coordinate to multiples of gridsize. Parameters ---------- x : int or numpy.ndarray Coordinates to round. gridsize : int The gridsize to round by Returns ------- int The rounded coordinate """ return x - x % gridsize