Source code for orca_predict

This module provides functions for using Orca models for various
types of the predictions. This is the main module that you need for 
interacting with Orca models.

To use any of the prediction functions, `load_resources` has to be
called first to load the necessary resources.

The coordinates used in Orca are 0-based, inclusive for the start
coordinate and exclusive for the end coordinate, consistent with
python conventions. 
import os
import pathlib

import numpy as np
import torch
from scipy.stats import spearmanr

from selene_utils2 import MemmapGenome, Genomic2DFeatures
import selene_sdk
from selene_sdk.sequences import Genome

from orca_models import H1esc, Hff, H1esc_1M, Hff_1M, H1esc_256M, Hff_256M
from orca_utils import (

ORCA_PATH = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute())
model_dict_global, target_dict_global = {}, {}

[docs]def load_resources(models=["32M"], use_cuda=True, use_memmapgenome=True): """ Load resources for Orca predictions including the specified Orca models and hg38 reference genome. It also creates Genomic2DFeatures objects for experimental micro-C datasets (for comparison with prediction). Load resourced are accessible as global variables. The list of globl variables generated is here: Global Variables ---------------- hg38 : selene_utils2.MemmapGenome or selene_sdk.sequences.Genome If `use_memmapgenome==True` and the resource file for hg38 mmap exists, use MemmapGenome instead of Genome. h1esc : orca_models.H1esc 1-32Mb Orca H1-ESC model hff : orca_models.Hff 1-32Mb Orca HFF model h1esc_256m : orca_models.H1esc_256M 32-256Mb Orca H1-ESC model hff_256m : orca_models.Hff_256M 32-256Mb Orca HFF model h1esc_1m : orca_models.H1esc_1M 1Mb Orca H1-ESC model hff_1m : orca_models.Hff_1M 1Mb Orca HFF model target_h1esc : selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures Genomic2DFeatures object that load H1-ESC micro-C dataset 4DNFI9GMP2J8 at 4kb resolution, used for comparison with 1-32Mb models. target_hff : selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures Genomic2DFeatures object that load HFF micro-C dataset 4DNFI643OYP9 at 4kb resolution, used for comparison with 1-32Mb models. target_h1esc_256m : selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures Genomic2DFeatures object that load H1-ESC micro-C dataset 4DNFI9GMP2J8 at 32kb resolution, used for comparison with 32-256Mb models. target_hff_256m : selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures Genomic2DFeatures object that load HFF micro-C dataset 4DNFI643OYP9 at 32kb resolution, used for comparison with 32-256Mb models. target_h1esc_1m : selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures Genomic2DFeatures object that load H1-ESC micro-C dataset 4DNFI9GMP2J8 at 32kb resolution, used for comparison with 1Mb models. target_hff_1m : selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures Genomic2DFeatures object that load HFF micro-C dataset 4DNFI643OYP9 at 1kb resolution, used for comparison with 1Mb models. target_available : bool Indicate whether the micro-C dataset resource file is available. Parameters ---------- models : list(str) List of model types to load, supported model types includes "32M", "256M", "1M", corresponding to 1-32Mb, 32-256Mb, and 1Mb models. Lower cases are also accepted. use_cuda : bool, optional Default is True. If true, loaded models are moved to GPU. use_memmapgenome : bool, optional Default is True. If True and the resource file for hg38 mmap exists, use MemmapGenome instead of Genome. """ global hg38, target_hff, target_h1esc, target_hff_256m, target_h1esc_256m, target_hff_1m, target_h1esc_1m, target_available if "32M" or "32m" in models: global h1esc, hff h1esc = H1esc() h1esc.eval() hff = Hff() hff.eval() if use_cuda: h1esc.cuda() hff.cuda() else: h1esc.cpu() hff.cpu() model_dict_global["h1esc"] = h1esc model_dict_global["hff"] = hff if "1M" or "1m" in models: global h1esc_1m, hff_1m h1esc_1m = H1esc_1M() h1esc_1m.eval() hff_1m = Hff_1M() hff_1m.eval() if use_cuda: h1esc_1m.cuda() hff_1m.cuda() else: h1esc_1m.cpu() hff_1m.cpu() model_dict_global["h1esc_1m"] = h1esc_1m model_dict_global["hff_1m"] = hff_1m if "256M" or "256m" in models: global h1esc_256m, hff_256m h1esc_256m = H1esc_256M() h1esc_256m.eval() hff_256m = Hff_256M() hff_256m.eval() if use_cuda: h1esc_256m.cuda() hff_256m.cuda() else: h1esc_256m.cpu() hff_256m.cpu() model_dict_global["h1esc_256m"] = h1esc_256m model_dict_global["hff_256m"] = hff_256m if ( use_memmapgenome and pathlib.Path("/resources/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.mmap").exists() ): hg38 = MemmapGenome( input_path=ORCA_PATH + "/resources/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa", memmapfile=ORCA_PATH + "/resources/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.mmap", ) else: hg38 = Genome( input_path=ORCA_PATH + "/resources/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa", ) target_available = True if os.path.exists(ORCA_PATH + "/resources/4DNFI643OYP9.rebinned.mcool"): target_hff = Genomic2DFeatures( [ORCA_PATH + "/resources/4DNFI643OYP9.rebinned.mcool::/resolutions/4000"], ["r4000"], (8000, 8000), cg=True, ) target_hff_256m = Genomic2DFeatures( [ORCA_PATH + "/resources/4DNFI643OYP9.rebinned.mcool::/resolutions/32000"], ["r32000"], (8000, 8000), cg=True, ) target_hff_1m = Genomic2DFeatures( [ORCA_PATH + "/resources/4DNFI643OYP9.rebinned.mcool::/resolutions/1000"], ["r1000"], (8000, 8000), cg=True, ) target_dict_global['hff'] = target_hff target_dict_global['hff_256m'] = target_hff_256m target_dict_global['hff_1m'] = target_hff_1m else: target_available = False if os.path.exists(ORCA_PATH + "/resources/4DNFI9GMP2J8.rebinned.mcool"): target_h1esc = Genomic2DFeatures( [ORCA_PATH + "/resources/4DNFI9GMP2J8.rebinned.mcool::/resolutions/4000"], ["r4000"], (8000, 8000), cg=True, ) target_h1esc_256m = Genomic2DFeatures( [ORCA_PATH + "/resources/4DNFI9GMP2J8.rebinned.mcool::/resolutions/32000"], ["r32000"], (8000, 8000), cg=True, ) target_h1esc_1m = Genomic2DFeatures( [ORCA_PATH + "/resources/4DNFI9GMP2J8.rebinned.mcool::/resolutions/1000"], ["r1000"], (8000, 8000), cg=True, ) target_dict_global['h1esc'] = target_h1esc target_dict_global['h1esc_256m'] = target_h1esc_256m target_dict_global['h1esc_1m'] = target_h1esc_1m else: target_available = False
[docs]def genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mpos=-1, wpos=-1, models=["h1esc", "hff"], targets=None, annotation=None, use_cuda=True, nan_thresh=1, ): """Multiscale prediction for a 32Mb sequence input, zooming into the position specified when generating a series of 32Mb, 16Mb, 8Mb, 4Mb, 2Mb and 1Mb predictions with increasing resolutions (up to 4kb). This function also processes information used only for plotting including targets and annotation. For larger sequence and interchromosomal predictions, you can use 256Mb input with genomepredict_256Mb. Parameters ---------- sequence : numpy.ndarray One-hot sequence encoding of shape 1 x 4 x 32000000. The encoding can be generated with `selene_sdk.Genome.sequence_to_encoding()`. mchr : str Chromosome name. This is used for annotation purpose only. mpos : int, optional The coordinate to zoom into for multiscale prediction. wpos : int, optional The coordinate of the center position of the sequence, which is start position + 16000000. models : list(torch.nn.Module or str), optional Models to use. Default is H1-ESC and HFF Orca models. targets : list(numpy.ndarray), optional The observed balanced contact matrices from the 32Mb region. Used only for plotting when used with genomeplot. The length and order of the list of targets should match the models specified (default is H1-ESC and HFF Orca models). The dimensions of the arrays should be 8000 x 8000 (1kb resolution). annotation : str or None, optional List of annotations for plotting. The annotation can be generated with See orca_utils.process_anno and see its documentation for more details. use_cuda : bool, optional Default is True. If False, use CPU. nan_thresh : int, optional Default is 1. Specify the threshold of the proportion of NaNs values allowed during downsampling for the observed matrices. Only relevant for plotting. The lower resolution observed matrix value are computed by averaging multiple bins into one. By default, we allow missing values and only average over the non-missing values, and the values with more than the specified proprotion of missing values will be filled with NaN. Returns ---------- output : dict Result dictionary that can be used as input for genomeplot. The dictionary has the following keys: - predictions : list(list(numpy.ndarray), list(numpy.ndarray)) Multi-level predictions for H1-ESC and HFF cell types. - experiments : list(list(numpy.ndarray), list(numpy.ndarray)) Observations for H1-ESC and HFF cell types that matches the predictions. Exists if `targets` is specified. - normmats : list(list(numpy.ndarray), list(numpy.ndarray)) Background distance-based expected balanced contact matrices for H1-ESC and HFF cell types that matches the predictions. - start_coords : list(int) Start coordinates for the prediction at each level. - end_coords : list(int) End coordinates for the prediction at each level. - chr : str The chromosome name. - annos : list(list(...)) Annotation information. The format is as outputed by orca_utils.process_anno Exists if `annotation` is specified. """ model_objs = [] for m in models: if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Module): model_objs.append(m) else: try: if m in model_dict_global: model_objs.append(model_dict_global[m]) except KeyError: load_resources(models=["32M"], use_cuda=use_cuda) if m in model_dict_global: model_objs.append(model_dict_global[m]) models = model_objs n_models = len(models) with torch.no_grad(): allpreds = [] allstarts = [] if targets: alltargets = [] if annotation is not None: allannos = [] for iii, seq in enumerate( [ torch.FloatTensor(sequence), torch.FloatTensor(np.ascontiguousarray(sequence[:, ::-1, ::-1])), ] ): for ii, model in enumerate(models): if targets and iii == 0: target = targets[ii] (encoding1, encoding2, encoding4, encoding8, encoding16, encoding32,) = model.net0(torch.Tensor(seq.float()).transpose(1, 2).cuda()) if use_cuda else model.net0(torch.Tensor(seq.float()).transpose(1, 2)) ) encodings = { 1: encoding1, 2: encoding2, 4: encoding4, 8: encoding8, 16: encoding16, 32: encoding32, } def eval_step(level, start, coarse_pred=None): distenc = torch.log( torch.FloatTensor(model.normmats[level][None, None, :, :]).cuda() if use_cuda else torch.FloatTensor(model.normmats[level][None, None, :, :]) ).expand(sequence.shape[0], 1, 250, 250) if coarse_pred is not None: if level == 1: pred = model.denets[level].forward( encodings[level][ :, :, int(start / level) : int(start / level) + 250 ], distenc, coarse_pred, ) + model.denet_1_pt.forward( encodings[level][ :, :, int(start / level) : int(start / level) + 250 ] ) else: pred = model.denets[level].forward( encodings[level][ :, :, int(start / level) : int(start / level) + 250 ], distenc, coarse_pred, ) else: pred = model.denets[level].forward( encodings[level][:, :, int(start / level) : int(start / level) + 250], distenc, ) return pred preds = [] starts = [0] if targets and iii == 0: ts = [] if annotation is not None and iii == 0: annos = [] for j, level in enumerate([32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]): if j == 0: pred = eval_step(level, starts[j]) else: pred = eval_step( level, starts[j], preds[j - 1][ :, :, start_index : start_index + 125, start_index : start_index + 125, ], ) if targets and iii == 0: target_r = np.nanmean( np.nanmean( np.reshape( target[ :, starts[j] : starts[j] + 250 * level, starts[j] : starts[j] + 250 * level, ].numpy(), (target.shape[0], 250, level, 250, level), ), axis=4, ), axis=2, ) target_nan = np.mean( np.mean( np.isnan( np.reshape( target[ :, starts[j] : starts[j] + 250 * level, starts[j] : starts[j] + 250 * level, ].numpy(), (target.shape[0], 250, level, 250, level), ) ), axis=4, ), axis=2, ) target_r[target_nan > nan_thresh] = np.nan target_np = np.log( (target_r + model.epss[level]) / (model.normmats[level] + model.epss[level]) )[0, 0:, 0:] ts.append(target_np) if annotation is not None and iii == 0: newstart = starts[j] / 8000.0 newend = (starts[j] + 250 * level) / 8000.0 anno_r = [] for r in annotation: if len(r) == 3: if not (r[0] >= newend or r[1] <= newstart): anno_r.append( ( np.fmax((r[0] - newstart) / (newend - newstart), 0,), np.fmin((r[1] - newstart) / (newend - newstart), 1,), r[2], ) ) else: if r[0] >= newstart and r[0] < newend: anno_r.append(((r[0] - newstart) / (newend - newstart), r[1])) annos.append(anno_r) if iii == 0: start_index = int( np.clip( np.floor( ( (mpos - level * 1000000 / 4) - (wpos - 16000000 + starts[j] * 4000) ) / (4000 * level) ), 0, 125, ) ) else: start_index = int( np.clip( np.ceil( ( (wpos + 16000000 - starts[j] * 4000) - (mpos + level * 1000000 / 4) ) / (4000 * level) ), 0, 125, ) ) starts.append(starts[j] + start_index * level) preds.append(pred) allpreds.append(preds) if iii == 0: if targets: alltargets.append(ts) if annotation is not None: allannos.append(annos) allstarts.append(starts[:-1]) output = {} output["predictions"] = [[] for _ in range(n_models)] for i in range(n_models): for j in range(len(allpreds[i])): if allpreds[i][j].shape[1] == 1: output["predictions"][i].append( allpreds[i][j].cpu().detach().numpy()[0, 0, :, :] * 0.5 + allpreds[i + n_models][j].cpu().detach().numpy()[0, 0, ::-1, ::-1] * 0.5 ) else: output["predictions"][i].append( allpreds[i][j].cpu().detach().numpy()[0, :, :, :] * 0.5 + allpreds[i + n_models][j].cpu().detach().numpy()[0, :, ::-1, ::-1] * 0.5 ) if targets: output["experiments"] = alltargets else: output["experiments"] = None output["start_coords"] = [wpos - 16000000 + s * 4000 for s in allstarts[0]] output["end_coords"] = [ int(output["start_coords"][ii] + 32000000 / 2 ** (ii)) for ii in range(6) ] output["chr"] = mchr if annotation is not None: output["annos"] = allannos[0] else: output["annos"] = None output["normmats"] = [ [model.normmats[ii] for ii in [32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]] for model in models ] return output
[docs]def genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen, mpos=-1, wpos=-1, models=["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"], targets=None, annotation=None, padding_chr=None, use_cuda=True, nan_thresh=1, ): """Multiscale prediction for a 256Mb sequence input, zooming into the position specified when generating a series of 256Mb, 128Mb, 64Mb, and 32Mb predictions with increasing resolutions (up to 128kb). This function also processes information used only for plotting including targets and annotation. This function accepts multichromosal input sequence. Thus it needs an extra input `normmats` to encode the chromosomal information. See documentation for normmats argument for details. Parameters ---------- sequence : numpy.ndarray One-hot sequence encoding of shape 1 x 4 x 256000000. The encoding can be generated with `selene_sdk.Genome.sequence_to_encoding()`. mchr : str The chromosome name of the first chromosome included in the seqeunce. This is used for annotation purpose only. normmats : list(numpy.ndarray) A list of distance-based background matrices for H1-ESC and HFF.The normmats contains arrays with dimensions 8000 x 8000 (32kb resolution). Interchromosomal interactions are filled with the expected balanced contact score for interchromomsal interactions. chrlen : int The coordinate of the end of the first chromosome in the input, which is the chromosome that will be zoomed into. mpos : int, optional Default is -1. The coordinate to zoom into for multiscale prediction. If neither `mpos` nor `wpos` are specified, it zooms into the center of the input by default. wpos : int, optional Default is -1. The coordinate of the center position of the sequence, which is start position + 16000000. If neither `mpos` nor `wpos` are specified, it zooms into the center of the input by default. models : list(torch.nn.Module or str), optional Models to use. Default is H1-ESC(256Mb) and HFF(256Mb) Orca models. targets : list(numpy.ndarray), optional The observed balanced contact matrices from the 256Mb sequence. Used only for plotting when used with genomeplot. The length and order of the list of targets should match the models specified (default is H1-ESC and HFF Orca models). The dimensions of the arrays should be 8000 x 8000 (32kb resolution). annotation : str or None, optional Default is None. List of annotations for plotting. The annotation can be generated with See orca_utils.process_anno and see its documentation for more details. padding_chr : str, None, optional Default is None. Name of the padding chromosome after the first. Used for annotation only. TODO: be more flexible in the support for multiple chromosomes. use_cuda : bool, optional Default is True. If False, use CPU. nan_thresh : int, optional Default is 1. Specify the threshold of the proportion of NaNs values allowed during downsampling for the observed matrices. Only relevant for plotting. The lower resolution observed matrix value are computed by averaging multiple bins into one. By default, we allow missing values and only average over the non-missing values, and the values with more than the specified proprotion of missing values will be filled with NaN. Returns ---------- output : dict Result dictionary that can be used as input for genomeplot. The dictionary has the following keys: - predictions : list(list(numpy.ndarray), list(numpy.ndarray)) Multi-level predictions for H1-ESC and HFF cell types. - experiments : list(list(numpy.ndarray), list(numpy.ndarray)) Observations for H1-ESC and HFF cell types that matches the predictions. Exists if `targets` is specified. - normmats : list(list(numpy.ndarray), list(numpy.ndarray)) Background distance-based expected balanced contact matrices for H1-ESC and HFF cell types that matches the predictions. - start_coords : list(int) Start coordinates for the prediction at each level. - end_coords : list(int) End coordinates for the prediction at each level. - chr : str The chromosome name. - annos : list(list(...)) Annotation information. The format is as outputed by orca_utils.process_anno Exists if `annotation` is specified. """ model_objs = [] for m in models: if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Module): model_objs.append(m) else: try: if m in model_dict_global: model_objs.append(model_dict_global[m]) except KeyError: load_resources(models=["256M"], use_cuda=use_cuda) if m in model_dict_global: model_objs.append(model_dict_global[m]) models = model_objs with torch.no_grad(): allpreds = [] allstarts = [] allnormmats = [] if targets: alltargets = [] if annotation is not None: allannos = [] for iii, seq in enumerate( [ torch.FloatTensor(sequence), torch.FloatTensor(np.ascontiguousarray(sequence[:, ::-1, ::-1])), ] ): for ii, model in enumerate(models): normmat = normmats[ii] normmat_nan = np.isnan(normmat) if np.any(normmat_nan): normmat[normmat_nan] = np.nanmin(normmat[~normmat_nan]) if targets and iii == 0: target = targets[ii] (encoding32, encoding64, encoding128, encoding256) = model.net1( model.net0( torch.Tensor(seq.float()).transpose(1, 2).cuda() if use_cuda else torch.Tensor(seq.float()).transpose(1, 2) ) )[-1] ) encodings = { 32: encoding32, 64: encoding64, 128: encoding128, 256: encoding256, } def eval_step(level, start, coarse_pred=None): distenc = torch.log( torch.FloatTensor(ns[level][None, :, :]).cuda() if use_cuda else torch.FloatTensor(ns[level][None, :, :]) ).expand(sequence.shape[0], 1, 250, 250) if coarse_pred is not None: pred = model.denets[level].forward( encodings[level][ :, :, int(start / (level // 8)) : int(start / (level // 8)) + 250, ], distenc if iii == 0 else torch.flip(distenc, [2, 3]), coarse_pred, ) else: pred = model.denets[level].forward( encodings[level][ :, :, int(start / (level // 8)) : int(start / (level // 8)) + 250, ], distenc if iii == 0 else torch.flip(distenc, [2, 3]), ) return pred preds = [] starts = [0] ns = {} if targets and iii == 0: ts = [] if annotation is not None and iii == 0: annos = [] for j, level in enumerate([256, 128, 64, 32]): normmat_r = np.nanmean( np.nanmean( np.reshape( normmat[ starts[j] : starts[j] + 250 * level // 8, starts[j] : starts[j] + 250 * level // 8, ], (1, 250, level // 8, 250, level // 8), ), axis=4, ), axis=2, ) ns[level] = normmat_r if j == 0: pred = eval_step(level, starts[j]) else: pred = eval_step( level, starts[j], preds[j - 1][ :, :, start_index : start_index + 125, start_index : start_index + 125, ], ) if targets and iii == 0: target_r = np.nanmean( np.nanmean( np.reshape( target[ :, starts[j] : starts[j] + 250 * level // 8, starts[j] : starts[j] + 250 * level // 8, ].numpy(), (target.shape[0], 250, level // 8, 250, level // 8), ), axis=4, ), axis=2, ) target_nan = np.mean( np.mean( np.isnan( np.reshape( target[ :, starts[j] : starts[j] + 250 * level // 8, starts[j] : starts[j] + 250 * level // 8, ].numpy(), (target.shape[0], 250, level // 8, 250, level // 8,), ) ), axis=4, ), axis=2, ) target_r[target_nan > nan_thresh] = np.nan eps = np.nanmin(normmat_r) target_np = np.log((target_r + eps) / (normmat_r + eps))[0, 0:, 0:] ts.append(target_np) if annotation is not None and iii == 0: newstart = starts[j] / 8000.0 newend = (starts[j] + 250 * level // 8) / 8000.0 anno_r = [] for r in annotation: if len(r) == 3: if not (r[0] >= newend or r[1] <= newstart): anno_r.append( ( np.fmax((r[0] - newstart) / (newend - newstart), 0,), np.fmin((r[1] - newstart) / (newend - newstart), 1,), r[2], ) ) else: if r[0] >= newstart and r[0] < newend: anno_r.append(((r[0] - newstart) / (newend - newstart), r[1])) annos.append(anno_r) if iii == 0: proposed_start = (mpos - level * 1000000 / 4) - ( wpos - 128000000 + starts[j] * 4000 * 8 ) else: proposed_start = (mpos - level * 1000000 / 4) - ( wpos + 128000000 - starts[j] * 4000 * 8 - level * 1000000 ) if chrlen is not None: bounds = [ 0 - (wpos - 128000000), chrlen - level * 1000000 / 2 - (wpos - 128000000), ] if bounds[0] < bounds[1]: proposed_start = np.clip(proposed_start, bounds[0], bounds[1]) else: proposed_start = bounds[0] start_index = int(np.clip(np.floor(proposed_start / (4000 * level)), 0, 125,)) if iii != 0: start_index = 250 - (start_index + 125) starts.append(starts[j] + start_index * level // 8) preds.append(pred) allpreds.append(preds) allnormmats.append(ns) if iii == 0: if targets: alltargets.append(ts) if annotation is not None: allannos.append(annos) allstarts.append(starts[:-1]) output = {} output["predictions"] = [[] for _ in range(n_models)] for i in range(n_models): for j in range(len(allpreds[i])): if allpreds[i][j].shape[1] == 1: output["predictions"][i].append( allpreds[i][j].cpu().detach().numpy()[0, 0, :, :] * 0.5 + allpreds[i + n_models][j].cpu().detach().numpy()[0, 0, ::-1, ::-1] * 0.5 ) else: output["predictions"][i].append( allpreds[i][j].cpu().detach().numpy()[0, :, :, :] * 0.5 + allpreds[i + n_models][j].cpu().detach().numpy()[0, :, ::-1, ::-1] * 0.5 ) if targets: output["experiments"] = alltargets else: output["experiments"] = None output["start_coords"] = [wpos - 128000000 + s * 32000 for s in allstarts[0]] output["end_coords"] = [ np.fmin(int(output["start_coords"][ii] + 256000000 / 2 ** (ii)), chrlen) for ii in range(4) ] if annotation is not None: output["annos"] = allannos[0] else: output["annos"] = None output["chr"] = mchr output["padding_chr"] = padding_chr output["normmats"] = allnormmats return output
def _retrieve_multi(regionlist, genome, target=True, normmat=True, normmat_regionlist=None): sequences = [] for region in regionlist: if len(region) == 4: chrom, start, end, strand = region sequences.append(genome.get_encoding_from_coords(chrom, start, end, strand)) else: chrom, start, end = region sequences.append(genome.get_encoding_from_coords(chrom, start, end, "+")) sequence = np.vstack(sequences)[None, :, :] if isinstance(target, list): target_objs = target has_target = True elif target and target_available: target_objs = [target_h1esc_256m, target_hff_256m] has_target = True else: has_target = False if has_target: targets = [] for target_obj in target_objs: targets_ = [] for region in regionlist: if len(region) == 4: chrom, start, end, strand = region else: chrom, start, end = region strand = "+" t = [] for region2 in regionlist: if len(region2) == 4: chrom2, start2, end2, strand2 = region2 else: chrom2, start2, end2 = region2 strand = "+" t.append( target_obj.get_feature_data( chrom, start, end, chrom2=chrom2, start2=start2, end2=end2 ) ) if strand == "-": t[-1] = t[-1][::-1, :] if strand2 == "-": t[-1] = t[-1][:, ::-1] targets_.append(t) targets_= np.vstack([np.hstack(l) for l in targets_]) targets.append(targets_) targets = [ torch.FloatTensor(l[None, :, :]) for l in targets ] if normmat: if isinstance(normmat, list): normmat_objs = normmat else: normmat_objs = [h1esc_256m, hff_256m] if normmat_regionlist is None: normmat_regionlist = regionlist normmats = [] for normmat_obj in normmat_objs: normmats_ = [] for chrom, start, end, strand in normmat_regionlist: b = [] for chrom2, start2, end2, strand2 in normmat_regionlist: if chrom2 != chrom: b.append( np.full( (int((end - start) / 32000), int((end2 - start2) / 32000)), normmat_obj.background_trans, ) ) else: binsize = 32000 acoor = np.linspace(start, end, int((end - start) / 32000) + 1)[:-1] bcoor = np.linspace(start2, end2, int((end2 - start2) / 32000) + 1)[:-1] b.append( normmat_obj.background_cis[ (np.abs(acoor[:, None] - bcoor[None, :]) / binsize).astype(int) ] ) if strand == "-": b[-1] = b[-1][::-1, :] if strand2 == "-": b[-1] = b[-1][:, ::-1] normmats_.append(b) normmats_ = np.vstack([np.hstack(l) for l in normmats_]) normmats.append(normmats_) datatuple = (sequence,) if normmat: datatuple = datatuple + (normmats,) if has_target: datatuple = datatuple + (targets,) return datatuple
[docs]def process_region( mchr, mstart, mend, genome, file=None, custom_models=None, target=True, show_genes=True, show_tracks=False, window_radius=16000000, padding_chr="chr1", use_cuda=True, ): """ Generate multiscale genome interaction predictions for the specified region. Parameters ---------- mchr : str The chromosome name of the first segment mstart : int The start coordinate of the region. mend : ind The end coordinate of the region. genome : selene_utils2.MemmapGenome or selene_sdk.sequences.Genome The reference genome object to extract sequence from custom_models : list(torch.nn.Module or str) or None, optional Models to use instead of the default H1-ESC and HFF Orca models. Default is None. target : list(selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures or str) or bool, optional If specified as list, use this list of targets to retrieve experimental data (for plotting only). Default is True and will use micro-C data for H1-ESC and HFF cells (4DNFI9GMP2J8, 4DNFI643OYP9) that correspond to the default models. file : str or None, optional Default is None. The output file prefix. show_genes : bool, optional Default is True. If True, generate gene annotation visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. show_tracks : bool, optional Default is False. If True, generate chromatin tracks visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. window_radius : int, optional Default is 16000000. The acceptable values are 16000000 which selects the 1-32Mb models or 128000000 which selects the 32-256Mb models. padding_chr : str, optional Default is "chr1". If window_radius is 128000000, padding is generally needed to fill the sequence to 256Mb. The padding sequence will be extracted from the padding_chr. use_cuda : bool, optional Default is True. Use CPU if False. Returns ------- outputs_ref_l, outputs_ref_r, outputs_alt : dict, dict, dict Reference allele predictions zooming into the left boundary of the duplication, Reference allele predictions zooming into the right boundary of the duplication, Alternative allele predictions zooming into the duplication breakpoint. The returned results are in the format of dictonaries containing the prediction outputs and other retrieved information. These dictionaries can be directly used as input to genomeplot or genomeplot_256Mb. See documentation of `genomepredict` or `genomepredict_256Mb` for details of the dictionary content. """ chrlen = [l for c, l in genome.get_chr_lens() if c == mchr].pop() mpos = int((int(mstart) + int(mend)) / 2) if custom_models is None: if window_radius == 16000000: models = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: models = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) else: models = custom_models if target: try: if target == True: if window_radius == 16000000: target = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: target = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] target = [t if isinstance(t, Genomic2DFeatures) else target_dict_global[t] for t in target] except KeyError: target = False if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mpos, chrlen) sequence = genome.get_encoding_from_coords( mchr, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius )[None, :] if target: targets = [ torch.FloatTensor( t.get_feature_data( mchr, coord_round(wpos - window_radius), coord_round(wpos + window_radius), )[None, :] ) for t in target ] else: targets = None elif window_radius == 128000000: chrlen_round = chrlen - chrlen % 32000 wpos = 128000000 if has_target: sequence, normmats, targets = _retrieve_multi( [[mchr, 0, chrlen_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) else: sequence, normmats = _retrieve_multi( [[mchr, 0, chrlen_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) targets = None else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) if mstart - mend < 2 * window_radius: anno_scaled = process_anno( [ [ np.clip(mstart, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius), np.clip(mend, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius), "black", ] ], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) else: anno_scaled = None if window_radius == 128000000: outputs_ref = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_round, mpos, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) else: outputs_ref = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mpos, wpos, annotation=anno_scaled, models=models, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: if window_radius == 128000000: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_ref, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".256m.pdf", ) else: genomeplot( outputs_ref, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".pdf", ) return outputs_ref
[docs]def process_dup( mchr, mstart, mend, genome, file=None, custom_models=None, target=True, show_genes=True, show_tracks=False, window_radius=16000000, padding_chr="chr1", use_cuda=True, ): """ Generate multiscale genome interaction predictions for an duplication variant. Parameters ---------- mchr : str The chromosome name of the first segment mstart : int The start coordinate of the duplication. mend : ind The end coordinate of the duplication. genome : selene_utils2.MemmapGenome or selene_sdk.sequences.Genome The reference genome object to extract sequence from custom_models : list(torch.nn.Module or str) or None, optional Models to use instead of the default H1-ESC and HFF Orca models. Default is None. target : list(selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures or str) or bool, optional If specified as list, use this list of targets to retrieve experimental data (for plotting only). Default is True and will use micro-C data for H1-ESC and HFF cells (4DNFI9GMP2J8, 4DNFI643OYP9) that correspond to the default models. file : str or None, optional Default is None. The output file prefix. show_genes : bool, optional Default is True. If True, generate gene annotation visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. show_tracks : bool, optional Default is False. If True, generate chromatin tracks visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. window_radius : int, optional Default is 16000000. The acceptable values are 16000000 which selects the 1-32Mb models or 128000000 which selects the 32-256Mb models. padding_chr : str, optional Default is "chr1". If window_radius is 128000000, padding is generally needed to fill the sequence to 256Mb. The padding sequence will be extracted from the padding_chr. use_cuda : bool, optional Default is True. Use CPU if False. Returns ------- outputs_ref_l, outputs_ref_r, outputs_alt : dict, dict, dict Reference allele predictions zooming into the left boundary of the duplication, Reference allele predictions zooming into the right boundary of the duplication, Alternative allele predictions zooming into the duplication breakpoint. The returned results are in the format of dictonaries containing the prediction outputs and other retrieved information. These dictionaries can be directly used as input to genomeplot or genomeplot_256Mb. See documentation of `genomepredict` or `genomepredict_256Mb` for details of the dictionary content. """ chrlen = [l for c, l in genome.get_chr_lens() if c == mchr].pop() if custom_models is None: if window_radius == 16000000: models = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: models = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) else: models = custom_models if target: try: if target == True: if window_radius == 16000000: target = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: target = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] target = [t if isinstance(t, Genomic2DFeatures) else target_dict_global[t] for t in target] except KeyError: target = False # ref.l if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mstart, chrlen) sequence = genome.get_encoding_from_coords( mchr, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius )[None, :] if target: targets = [ torch.FloatTensor( t.get_feature_data( mchr, coord_round(wpos - window_radius), coord_round(wpos + window_radius), )[None, :] ) for t in target ] else: targets = None elif window_radius == 128000000: chrlen_round = chrlen - chrlen % 32000 wpos = 128000000 if target: sequence, normmats, targets = _retrieve_multi( [[mchr, 0, chrlen_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) else: sequence, normmats = _retrieve_multi( [[mchr, 0, chrlen_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) targets = None else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) if wpos + window_radius > mend: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, mend, "black"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius ) else: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, wpos + window_radius, "black"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) if window_radius == 128000000: outputs_ref_l = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_round, mstart, wpos, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, models=models, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) else: outputs_ref_l = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mstart, wpos, annotation=anno_scaled, models=models, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: if window_radius == 128000000: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_ref_l, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.l.256m.pdf", ) else: genomeplot( outputs_ref_l, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.l.pdf", ) # ref.r if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mend, chrlen) sequence = genome.get_encoding_from_coords( mchr, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius )[None, :] if target: targets = [ torch.FloatTensor( t.get_feature_data( mchr, coord_round(wpos - window_radius), coord_round(wpos + window_radius), )[None, :] ) for t in target ] else: targets = None if wpos - window_radius < mstart: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, mend, "black"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius ) else: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[wpos - window_radius, mend, "black"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) if window_radius == 16000000: outputs_ref_r = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mend, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot( outputs_ref_r, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.r.pdf", ) else: outputs_ref_r = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_round, mend, wpos, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, models=models, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_ref_r, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.r.256m.pdf", ) # alt (r) s = StructuralChange2(mchr, chrlen) s.duplicate(mstart, mend) chrlen_alt = chrlen + mend - mstart if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mend, chrlen_alt) sequence = [] for chrm, start, end, strand in s[wpos - window_radius : wpos + window_radius]: seq = genome.get_encoding_from_coords(chrm, start, end) if strand == "-": seq = seq[None, ::-1, ::-1] else: seq = seq[None, :, :] sequence.append(seq) sequence = np.concatenate(sequence, axis=1) else: chrlen_alt_round = chrlen_alt - chrlen_alt % 32000 if chrlen_alt_round < 256000000: wpos = 128000000 (sequence, normmats) = _retrieve_multi( list(s[0:chrlen_alt_round]) + [[padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_alt_round, "+"]], genome, target=False, normmat=True, normmat_regionlist=[ [mchr, 0, chrlen_alt_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_alt_round, "+"], ], ) else: wpos = coord_clip(mend, chrlen_alt_round, window_radius=128000000) (sequence, normmats) = _retrieve_multi( list(s[wpos - window_radius : wpos + window_radius]), genome, target=False, normmat=True, normmat_regionlist=[[mchr, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius, "+"]], ) if wpos - window_radius < mstart and mend + mend - mstart < wpos + window_radius: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, mend, "black"], [mend, mend + mend - mstart, "gray"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) elif wpos - window_radius >= mstart and mend + mend - mstart < wpos + window_radius: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[wpos - window_radius, mend, "black"], [mend, mend + mend - mstart, "gray"],], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) elif wpos - window_radius < mstart and mend + mend - mstart >= wpos + window_radius: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, mend, "black"], [mend, wpos + window_radius, "gray"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) else: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[wpos - window_radius, mend, "black"], [mend, wpos + window_radius, "gray"],], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) if window_radius == 16000000: outputs_alt = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mend, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, use_cuda=use_cuda ) if file is not None: genomeplot(outputs_alt, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".alt.pdf") else: outputs_alt = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_alt_round, mend, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_alt, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".alt.256m.pdf", ) return outputs_ref_l, outputs_ref_r, outputs_alt
[docs]def process_del( mchr, mstart, mend, genome, cmap=None, file=None, custom_models=None, target=True, show_genes=True, show_tracks=False, window_radius=16000000, padding_chr="chr1", use_cuda=True, ): """ Generate multiscale genome interaction predictions for an deletion variant. Parameters ---------- mchr : str The chromosome name of the first segment mstart : int The start coordinate of the deletion. mend : ind The end coordinate of the deletion. genome : selene_utils2.MemmapGenome or selene_sdk.sequences.Genome The reference genome object to extract sequence from custom_models : list(torch.nn.Module or str) or None, optional Models to use instead of the default H1-ESC and HFF Orca models. Default is None. target : list(selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures or str) or bool, optional If specified as list, use this list of targets to retrieve experimental data (for plotting only). Default is True and will use micro-C data for H1-ESC and HFF cells (4DNFI9GMP2J8, 4DNFI643OYP9) that correspond to the default models. file : str or None, optional Default is None. The output file prefix. show_genes : bool, optional Default is True. If True, generate gene annotation visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. show_tracks : bool, optional Default is False. If True, generate chromatin tracks visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. window_radius : int, optional Default is 16000000. The acceptable values are 16000000 which selects the 1-32Mb models or 128000000 which selects the 32-256Mb models. padding_chr : str, optional Default is "chr1". If window_radius is 128000000, padding is generally needed to fill the sequence to 256Mb. The padding sequence will be extracted from the padding_chr. use_cuda : bool, optional Default is True. Use CPU if False. Returns ------- outputs_ref_l, outputs_ref_r, outputs_alt : dict, dict, dict Reference allele predictions zooming into the left boundary of the deletion, Reference allele predictions zooming into the right boundary of the deletion, Alternative allele predictions zooming into the deletion breakpoint. The returned results are in the format of dictonaries containing the prediction outputs and other retrieved information. These dictionaries can be directly used as input to genomeplot or genomeplot_256Mb. See documentation of `genomepredict` or `genomepredict_256Mb` for details of the dictionary content. """ chrlen = [l for c, l in genome.get_chr_lens() if c == mchr].pop() if custom_models is None: if window_radius == 16000000: models = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: models = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) else: models = custom_models if target: try: if target == True: if window_radius == 16000000: target = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: target = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] target = [t if isinstance(t, Genomic2DFeatures) else target_dict_global[t] for t in target] except KeyError: target = False # ref.l if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mstart, chrlen) sequence = genome.get_encoding_from_coords( mchr, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius )[None, :] if target: targets = [ torch.FloatTensor( t.get_feature_data( mchr, coord_round(wpos - window_radius), coord_round(wpos + window_radius), )[None, :] ) for t in target ] else: targets = None elif window_radius == 128000000: chrlen_round = chrlen - chrlen % 32000 wpos = 128000000 if target: sequence, normmats, targets = _retrieve_multi( [[mchr, 0, chrlen_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) else: sequence, normmats = _retrieve_multi( [[mchr, 0, chrlen_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) if wpos + window_radius > mend: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, mend, "black"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius ) else: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, wpos + window_radius, "black"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) if window_radius == 128000000: outputs_ref_l = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_round, mstart, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) else: outputs_ref_l = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mstart, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: if window_radius == 128000000: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_ref_l, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.l.256m.pdf", ) else: genomeplot( outputs_ref_l, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, show_coordinates=True, cmap=cmap, file=file + ".ref.l.pdf", ) # ref.r if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mend, chrlen) sequence = genome.get_encoding_from_coords( mchr, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius )[None, :] if target: targets = [ torch.FloatTensor( t.get_feature_data( mchr, coord_round(wpos - window_radius), coord_round(wpos + window_radius), )[None, :] ) for t in target ] else: targets = None if wpos - window_radius < mstart: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, mend, "black"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius ) else: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[wpos - window_radius, mend, "black"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) if window_radius == 16000000: outputs_ref_r = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mend, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot( outputs_ref_r, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, show_coordinates=True, cmap=cmap, file=file + ".ref.r.pdf", ) else: outputs_ref_r = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_round, mend, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_ref_r, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.r.256m.pdf", ) # alt s = StructuralChange2(mchr, chrlen) s.delete(mstart, mend) chrlen_alt = chrlen - (mend - mstart) if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mstart, chrlen_alt) sequence = [] for chrm, start, end, strand in s[wpos - window_radius : wpos + window_radius]: seq = genome.get_encoding_from_coords(chrm, start, end) if strand == "-": seq = seq[None, ::-1, ::-1] else: seq = seq[None, :, :] sequence.append(seq) sequence = np.concatenate(sequence, axis=1) else: chrlen_alt_round = chrlen_alt - chrlen_alt % 32000 wpos = 128000000 (sequence, normmats) = _retrieve_multi( list(s[0:chrlen_alt_round]) + [[padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_alt_round, "+"]], genome, target=False, normmat=True, normmat_regionlist=[ [mchr, 0, chrlen_alt_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_alt_round, "+"], ], ) anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, "double"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius ) if window_radius == 16000000: outputs_alt = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mstart, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, use_cuda=use_cuda ) if file is not None: genomeplot(outputs_alt, show_coordinates=True, cmap=cmap, file=file + ".alt.pdf") else: outputs_alt = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_alt_round, mstart, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_alt, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".alt.256m.pdf", ) return outputs_ref_l, outputs_ref_r, outputs_alt
[docs]def process_inv( mchr, mstart, mend, genome, file=None, custom_models=None, target=True, show_genes=True, show_tracks=False, window_radius=16000000, padding_chr="chr1", use_cuda=True, ): """ Generate multiscale genome interaction predictions for an inversion variant. Parameters ---------- mchr : str The chromosome name of the first segment mstart : int The start coordinate of the inversion. mend : ind The end coordinate of the inversion. genome : selene_utils2.MemmapGenome or selene_sdk.sequences.Genome The reference genome object to extract sequence from custom_models : list(torch.nn.Module or str) or None, optional Models to use instead of the default H1-ESC and HFF Orca models. Default is None. target : list(selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures or str) or bool, optional If specified as list, use this list of targets to retrieve experimental data (for plotting only). Default is True and will use micro-C data for H1-ESC and HFF cells (4DNFI9GMP2J8, 4DNFI643OYP9) that correspond to the default models. file : str or None, optional Default is None. The output file prefix. show_genes : bool, optional Default is True. If True, generate gene annotation visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. show_tracks : bool, optional Default is False. If True, generate chromatin tracks visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. window_radius : int, optional Default is 16000000. The acceptable values are 16000000 which selects the 1-32Mb models or 128000000 which selects the 32-256Mb models. padding_chr : str, optional Default is "chr1". If window_radius is 128000000, padding is generally needed to fill the sequence to 256Mb. The padding sequence will be extracted from the padding_chr. use_cuda : bool, optional Default is True. Use CPU if False. Returns ------- outputs_ref_l, outputs_ref_r, outputs_alt_l, outputs_alt_r : dict, dict, dict, dict Reference allele predictions zooming into the left boundary of the inversion, Reference allele predictions zooming into the right boundary of the inversion, Alternative allele predictions zooming into the left boundary of the inversion, Alternative allele prediction zooming into the right boundary of the inversion. The returned results are in the format of dictonaries containing the prediction outputs and other retrieved information. These dictionaries can be directly used as input to genomeplot or genomeplot_256Mb. See documentation of `genomepredict` or `genomepredict_256Mb` for details of the dictionary content. """ chrlen = [l for c, l in genome.get_chr_lens() if c == mchr].pop() if custom_models is None: if window_radius == 16000000: models = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: models = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) else: models = custom_models if target: try: if target == True: if window_radius == 16000000: target = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: target = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] target = [t if isinstance(t, Genomic2DFeatures) else target_dict_global[t] for t in target] except KeyError: target = False if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mstart, chrlen) sequence = genome.get_encoding_from_coords( mchr, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius )[None, :] if target: targets = [ torch.FloatTensor( t.get_feature_data( mchr, coord_round(wpos - window_radius), coord_round(wpos + window_radius), )[None, :] ) for t in target ] else: targets = None elif window_radius == 128000000: chrlen_round = chrlen - chrlen % 32000 wpos = 128000000 if target: sequence, normmats, targets = _retrieve_multi( [[mchr, 0, chrlen_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) else: sequence, normmats = _retrieve_multi( [[mchr, 0, chrlen_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) targets = None else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) if wpos + window_radius > mend: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, mend, "black"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) else: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, wpos + window_radius, "black"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) if window_radius == 128000000: outputs_ref_l = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_round, mstart, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) else: outputs_ref_l = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mstart, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: if window_radius == 128000000: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_ref_l, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.l.256m.pdf", ) else: genomeplot( outputs_ref_l, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.l.pdf", ) # ref.r if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mend, chrlen) sequence = genome.get_encoding_from_coords( mchr, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius )[None, :] if target: targets = [ torch.FloatTensor( t.get_feature_data( mchr, coord_round(wpos - window_radius), coord_round(wpos + window_radius), )[None, :] ) for t in target ] else: targets = None if wpos - window_radius < mstart: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, mend, "black"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) else: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[wpos - window_radius, mend, "black"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) if window_radius == 16000000: outputs_ref_r = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mend, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot( outputs_ref_r, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.r.pdf", ) else: outputs_ref_r = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_round, mend, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_ref_r, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.r.256m.pdf", ) # alt.l s = StructuralChange2(mchr, chrlen) s.invert(mstart, mend) if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mstart, chrlen) sequence = [] for chrm, start, end, strand in s[wpos - window_radius : wpos + window_radius]: seq = genome.get_encoding_from_coords(chrm, start, end) if strand == "-": seq = seq[None, ::-1, ::-1] else: seq = seq[None, :, :] sequence.append(seq) sequence = np.concatenate(sequence, axis=1) else: wpos = 128000000 (sequence,) = _retrieve_multi( list(s[0:chrlen_round]) + [[padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_round, "+"]], genome, target=False, normmat=False, ) # normmats are not changed for inversion if mend < wpos + window_radius: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, mend, "gray"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) else: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, wpos + window_radius, "gray"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) if window_radius == 16000000: outputs_alt_l = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mstart, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, use_cuda=use_cuda ) if file is not None: genomeplot(outputs_alt_l, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".alt.l.pdf") else: outputs_alt_l = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_round, mstart, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_alt_l, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".alt.l.256m.pdf", ) if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mend, chrlen) sequence = [] for chrm, start, end, strand in s[wpos - window_radius : wpos + window_radius]: seq = genome.get_encoding_from_coords(chrm, start, end) if strand == "-": seq = seq[None, ::-1, ::-1] else: seq = seq[None, :, :] sequence.append(seq) sequence = np.concatenate(sequence, axis=1) if mstart > wpos - window_radius: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mstart, mend, "gray"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) else: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[wpos - window_radius, mend, "gray"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) if window_radius == 16000000: outputs_alt_r = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mend, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, use_cuda=use_cuda ) if file is not None: genomeplot(outputs_alt_r, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".alt.r.pdf") else: outputs_alt_r = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_round, mend, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_alt_r, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".alt.r.256m.pdf", ) return outputs_ref_l, outputs_ref_r, outputs_alt_l, outputs_alt_r
[docs]def process_ins( mchr, mpos, ins_seq, genome, strand="+", file=None, custom_models=None, target=True, show_genes=True, show_tracks=False, window_radius=16000000, padding_chr="chr1", use_cuda=True, ): """ Generate multiscale genome interaction predictions for an insertion variant that inserts the specified sequence to the insertion site. Parameters ---------- mchr : str The chromosome name of the first segment mpos : int The insertion site coordinate. ins_seq : str The inserted sequence in string format. genome : selene_utils2.MemmapGenome or selene_sdk.sequences.Genome The reference genome object to extract sequence from custom_models : list(torch.nn.Module or str) or None, optional Models to use instead of the default H1-ESC and HFF Orca models. Default is None. target : list(selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures or str) or bool, optional If specified as list, use this list of targets to retrieve experimental data (for plotting only). Default is True and will use micro-C data for H1-ESC and HFF cells (4DNFI9GMP2J8, 4DNFI643OYP9) that correspond to the default models. file : str or None, optional Default is None. The output file prefix. show_genes : bool, optional Default is True. If True, generate gene annotation visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. show_tracks : bool, optional Default is False. If True, generate chromatin tracks visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. window_radius : int, optional Default is 16000000. The acceptable values are 16000000 which selects the 1-32Mb models or 128000000 which selects the 32-256Mb models. padding_chr : str, optional Default is "chr1". If window_radius is 128000000, padding is generally needed to fill the sequence to 256Mb. The padding sequence will be extracted from the padding_chr. use_cuda : bool, optional Default is True. Use CPU if False. Returns ------- outputs_ref, outputs_alt_l, outputs_alt_r : dict, dict, dict Reference allele predictions zooming into the insertion site, Alternative allele predictions zooming into the left boundary of the insertion seqeunce, Alternative allele prediction zooming into the right boundary of the insertion seqeunce. The returned results are in the format of dictonaries containing the prediction outputs and other retrieved information. These dictionaries can be directly used as input to genomeplot or genomeplot_256Mb. See documentation of `genomepredict` or `genomepredict_256Mb` for details of the dictionary content. """ chrlen = [l for c, l in genome.get_chr_lens() if c == mchr].pop() if custom_models is None: if window_radius == 16000000: models = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: models = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) else: models = custom_models if target: try: if target == True: if window_radius == 16000000: target = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: target = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] target = [t if isinstance(t, Genomic2DFeatures) else target_dict_global[t] for t in target] except KeyError: target = False if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mpos, chrlen) sequence = genome.get_encoding_from_coords( mchr, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius )[None, :] if target: targets = [ torch.FloatTensor( t.get_feature_data( "chr" + mchr.replace("chr", ""), coord_round(wpos - window_radius), coord_round(wpos + window_radius), )[None, :] ) for t in target ] else: targets = None elif window_radius == 128000000: chrlen_round = chrlen - chrlen % 32000 wpos = 128000000 if target: sequence, normmats, targets = _retrieve_multi( [[mchr, 0, chrlen_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) else: sequence, normmats = _retrieve_multi( [[mchr, 0, chrlen_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) targets = None else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mpos, "single"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius ) if window_radius == 128000000: outputs_ref_l = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_round, mpos, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) else: outputs_ref = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mpos, wpos, annotation=anno_scaled, models=models, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: if window_radius == 128000000: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_ref_l, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.256m.pdf", ) else: genomeplot( outputs_ref, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.pdf", ) # alt s = StructuralChange2(mchr, chrlen) s.insert(mpos, len(ins_seq), strand=strand) chrlen_alt = chrlen + len(ins_seq) if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mpos, chrlen_alt) sequence = [] for chr_name, start, end, strand in s[wpos - window_radius : wpos + window_radius]: if chr_name.startswith("ins"): seq = Genome.sequence_to_encoding(ins_seq[start:end]) else: seq = genome.get_encoding_from_coords(chr_name, start, end) if strand == "-": seq = seq[None, ::-1, ::-1] else: seq = seq[None, :, :] sequence.append(seq) sequence = np.concatenate(sequence, axis=1) else: chrlen_alt_round = chrlen_alt - chrlen_alt % 32000 if chrlen_alt_round < 256000000: wpos = 128000000 (sequence, normmats) = _retrieve_multi( list(s[0:chrlen_alt_round]) + [[padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_alt_round, "+"]], genome, target=False, normmat=True, normmat_regionlist=[ [mchr, 0, chrlen_alt_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_alt_round, "+"], ], ) else: wpos = coord_clip(mpos, chrlen_alt_round, window_radius=128000000) (sequence, normmats) = _retrieve_multi( list(s[wpos - window_radius : wpos + window_radius]), genome, target=False, normmat=True, normmat_regionlist=[[mchr, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius, "+"]], ) if mpos + len(ins_seq) < wpos + window_radius: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mpos, mpos + len(ins_seq), "gray"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) else: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mpos, wpos + window_radius, "gray"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) if window_radius == 16000000: outputs_alt_l = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mpos, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, use_cuda=use_cuda ) if file is not None: genomeplot(outputs_alt_l, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".alt.l.pdf") else: outputs_alt_l = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_alt_round, mpos, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_alt_l, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".alt.l.256m.pdf", ) if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(mpos + len(ins_seq), chrlen_alt) sequence = [] for chr_name, start, end, strand in s[wpos - window_radius : wpos + window_radius]: if chr_name.startswith("ins"): seq = Genome.sequence_to_encoding(ins_seq[start:end]) else: seq = genome.get_encoding_from_coords(chr_name, start, end) if strand == "-": seq = seq[None, ::-1, ::-1] else: seq = seq[None, :, :] sequence.append(seq) sequence = np.concatenate(sequence, axis=1) else: if chrlen_alt_round > 256000000: wpos = coord_clip(mpos + len(ins_seq), chrlen_alt_round, window_radius=128000000) (sequence, normmats) = _retrieve_multi( list(s[wpos - window_radius : wpos + window_radius]), genome, target=False, normmat=True, normmat_regionlist=[[mchr, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius, "+"]], ) if mpos > wpos + window_radius: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[mpos, mpos + len(ins_seq), "gray"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) else: anno_scaled = process_anno( [[wpos - window_radius, mpos + len(ins_seq), "gray"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius, ) if window_radius == 16000000: outputs_alt_r = genomepredict( sequence, mchr, mpos + len(ins_seq), wpos, annotation=anno_scaled, use_cuda=use_cuda ) if file is not None: genomeplot(outputs_alt_r, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".alt.r.pdf") else: outputs_alt = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, mchr, normmats, chrlen_alt_round, mpos + len(ins_seq), wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_alt, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".alt.r.256m.pdf", ) return outputs_ref, outputs_alt_l, outputs_alt_r
[docs]def process_custom( region_list, ref_region_list, mpos, genome, ref_mpos_list=None, anno_list=None, ref_anno_list=None, custom_models=None, target=True, file=None, show_genes=True, show_tracks=False, window_radius=16000000, use_cuda=True, ): """ Generate multiscale genome interaction predictions for a custom variant by an ordered list of genomic segments. Parameters ---------- region_list : list(list(...)) List of segments to complete the alternative. Each segment is specified by a list( chr: str, start: int, end: int, strand: str), and segments are concatenated together in the given order. The total length should sum up to 32Mb. An example input is [['chr5', 89411065, 89411065+16000000, '-'], ['chr7', 94378248, 94378248+16000000,'+']]. ref_region_list : list(list(...)) The reference regions to predict. This can be any reference regions with the length of the specified window size. If the Each reference region is specified with a list( chr: str, start: int, end: int, strand: str). The strand must be '+'. The intended use is predicting the genome interactions for each segment that constitute the alternative allele within the native reference sequence context. An example input is [['chr5', 89411065-16000000, 89411065+16000000,'+'], ['chr7', 94378248-16000000, 94378248+16000000,'+']]. mpos : int The position to zoom into in the alternative allele. Note that `mpos` here specify the relative position with respect to the to start of the 32Mb. genome : selene_utils2.MemmapGenome or selene_sdk.sequences.Genome The reference genome object to extract sequence from. ref_mpos_list : list(int) or None, optional Default is None. List of positions to zoom into for each of the reference regions specified in `ref_region_list`. If not specified, then zoom into the center of each region. Note that `ref_mpos_list` specifies the relative positions with respect to start of the 32Mb. For example, `16000000` means the center of the sequence. custom_models : list(torch.nn.Module or str) or None, optional Models to use instead of the default H1-ESC and HFF Orca models. Default is None. target : list(selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures or str) or bool, optional If specified as list, use this list of targets to retrieve experimental data (for plotting only). Default is True and will use micro-C data for H1-ESC and HFF cells (4DNFI9GMP2J8, 4DNFI643OYP9) that correspond to the default models. file : str or None, optional Default is None. The output file prefix. show_genes : bool, optional Default is True. If True, generate gene annotation visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. show_tracks : bool, optional Default is False. If True, generate chromatin tracks visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. window_radius : int, optional Default is 16000000. Currently only 16000000 (32Mb window) is accepted. use_cuda : bool, optional Default is True. Use CPU if False. Returns ------- outputs_ref_l, outputs_ref_r, outputs_alt : dict, dict, dict Reference allele predictions zooming into the left boundary of the duplication, Reference allele predictions zooming into the right boundary of the duplication, Alternative allele predictions zooming into the duplication breakpoint. The returned results are in the format of dictonaries containing the prediction outputs and other retrieved information. These dictionaries can be directly used as input to genomeplot or genomeplot_256Mb. See documentation of `genomepredict` or `genomepredict_256Mb` for details of the dictionary content. """ if custom_models is None: if window_radius == 16000000: models = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: models = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) else: models = custom_models if target: try: if target == True: if window_radius == 16000000: target = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: target = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] target = [t if isinstance(t, Genomic2DFeatures) else target_dict_global[t] for t in target] except KeyError: target = False def validate_region_list(region_list, enforce_strand=None): sumlen = 0 for chrm, start, end, strand in region_list: chrlen = [l for c, l in genome.get_chr_lens() if c == chrm].pop() assert start >= 0 and end <= chrlen sumlen += end - start if enforce_strand: if strand != enforce_strand: raise ValueError("The specified strand must be " + enforce_strand) assert sumlen == 2 * window_radius validate_region_list(region_list) for i, ref_region in enumerate(ref_region_list): validate_region_list([ref_region], enforce_strand="+") ref_sequence = genome.get_encoding_from_coords(*ref_region)[None, :] if target: targets = [ torch.FloatTensor( t.get_feature_data( ref_region[0], coord_round(ref_region[1]), coord_round(ref_region[2]), )[None, :] ) for t in target ] else: targets = None anno_scaled = process_anno(ref_anno_list, base=0, window_radius=window_radius) outputs_ref = genomepredict( ref_sequence, ref_region[0], ref_region[1] + window_radius if ref_mpos_list is None else ref_mpos_list[i], ref_region[1] + window_radius, annotation=anno_scaled, models=models, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot( outputs_ref, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref." + str(i) + ".pdf", ) sequence = [] for chrm, start, end, strand in region_list: seq = genome.get_encoding_from_coords(chrm, start, end) if strand == "-": seq = seq[None, ::-1, ::-1].copy() else: seq = seq[None, :, :] sequence.append(seq) alt_sequence = np.concatenate(sequence, axis=1) anno_scaled = process_anno(anno_list, base=0, window_radius=window_radius) outputs_alt = genomepredict( alt_sequence, "chimeric", mpos, window_radius, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot(outputs_alt, show_coordinates=False, file=file + ".alt.pdf") return outputs_ref, outputs_alt
[docs]def process_single_breakpoint( chr1, pos1, chr2, pos2, orientation1, orientation2, genome, custom_models=None, target=True, file=None, show_genes=True, show_tracks=False, window_radius=16000000, padding_chr="chr1", use_cuda=True, ): """ Generate multiscale genome interaction predictions for a simple translocation event that connects two chromosomal breakpoints. Specifically, two breakpoint positions and the corresponding two orientations are needed. The orientations decide how the breakpoints are connected. The ‘+’ or ‘-’ sign indicate whether the left or right side of the breakpoint is used. For example, for an input ('chr1', 85691449, 'chr5', 89533745 '+', '+'), two plus signs indicate connecting chr1:0-85691449 with chr5:0-89533745. Parameters ---------- chr1 : str The chromosome name of the first segment pos1 : int The coorindate of breakpoint on the first segment chr2 : str The chromosome name of the second segment pos2 : int The coorindate of breakpoint on the second segment orientation1 : str Indicate which side of the breakpoint should be used for the first segment, '+' indicate the left and '-' indicate the right side. orientation2 : str Indicate which side of the breakpoint should be used for the second segment, '+' indicate the left and '-' indicate the right side. genome : selene_utils2.MemmapGenome or selene_sdk.sequences.Genome The reference genome object to extract sequence from custom_models : list(torch.nn.Module or str) or None, optional Models to use instead of the default H1-ESC and HFF Orca models. Default is None. target : list(selene_utils2.Genomic2DFeatures or str) or bool, optional If specified as list, use this list of targets to retrieve experimental data (for plotting only). Default is True and will use micro-C data for H1-ESC and HFF cells (4DNFI9GMP2J8, 4DNFI643OYP9) that correspond to the default models. file : str or None, optional Default is None. The output file prefix. show_genes : bool, optional Default is True. If True, generate gene annotation visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. show_tracks : bool, optional Default is False. If True, generate chromatin tracks visualization file in pdf format that matches the windows of multiscale predictions. window_radius : int, optional Default is 16000000. The acceptable values are 16000000 which selects the 1-32Mb models or 128000000 which selects the 32-256Mb models. padding_chr : str, optional Default is "chr1". If window_radius is 128000000, padding is generally needed to fill the sequence to 256Mb. The padding sequence will be extracted from the padding_chr. use_cuda : bool, optional Default is True. Use CPU if False. Returns ------- outputs_ref_1, outputs_ref_2, outputs_alt : dict, dict, dict Reference allele predictions zooming into the chr1 breakpoint, Reference allele predictions zooming into the chr2 breakpoint, Alternative allele prediction zooming into the junction. The returned results are in the format of dictonaries containing the prediction outputs and other retrieved information. These dictionaries can be directly used as input to genomeplot or genomeplot_256Mb. See documentation of `genomepredict` or `genomepredict_256Mb` for details of the dictionary content. """ if custom_models is None: if window_radius == 16000000: models = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: models = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) else: models = custom_models if target: try: if target == True: if window_radius == 16000000: target = ["h1esc", "hff"] elif window_radius == 128000000: target = ["h1esc_256m", "hff_256m"] target = [t if isinstance(t, Genomic2DFeatures) else target_dict_global[t] for t in target] except KeyError: target = False chrlen1 = [l for c, l in genome.get_chr_lens() if c == chr1].pop() # ref.l if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(pos1, chrlen1) sequence = genome.get_encoding_from_coords( chr1, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius )[None, :] if target: targets = [ torch.FloatTensor( t.get_feature_data( chr1, coord_round(wpos - window_radius), coord_round(wpos + window_radius), )[None, :] ) for t in target ] else: targets = None elif window_radius == 128000000: chrlen1_round = chrlen1 - chrlen1 % 32000 wpos = 128000000 if target: sequence, normmats, targets = _retrieve_multi( [[chr1, 0, chrlen1_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen1_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) else: sequence, normmats = _retrieve_multi( [[chr1, 0, chrlen1_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen1_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) targets = None else: raise ValueError( "Only window_radius 16000000 (32Mb models) or 128000000 (256Mb models) are supported" ) anno_scaled = process_anno( [[pos1, "single"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius ) if window_radius == 128000000: outputs_ref_1 = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, chr1, normmats, chrlen1_round, pos1, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) else: outputs_ref_1 = genomepredict( sequence, chr1, pos1, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: if window_radius == 128000000: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_ref_1, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.1.256m.pdf", ) else: genomeplot( outputs_ref_1, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.1.pdf", colorbar=True, ) chrlen2 = [l for c, l in genome.get_chr_lens() if c == chr2].pop() if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(pos2, chrlen2) sequence = genome.get_encoding_from_coords( chr2, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius )[None, :] if target: targets = [ torch.FloatTensor( t.get_feature_data( chr2, coord_round(wpos - window_radius), coord_round(wpos + window_radius), )[None, :] ) for t in target ] else: targets = None elif window_radius == 128000000: chrlen2_round = chrlen2 - chrlen2 % 32000 wpos = 128000000 if target: sequence, normmats, targets = _retrieve_multi( [[chr2, 0, chrlen2_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen2_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) else: sequence, normmats = _retrieve_multi( [[chr2, 0, chrlen2_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen2_round, "+"]], genome, target=target, ) targets = None anno_scaled = process_anno( [[pos2, "single"]], base=wpos - window_radius, window_radius=window_radius ) if window_radius == 128000000: outputs_ref_2 = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, chr2, normmats, chrlen2_round, pos2, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) else: outputs_ref_2 = genomepredict( sequence, chr2, pos2, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, targets=targets, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: if window_radius == 128000000: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_ref_2, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.2.256m.pdf", ) else: genomeplot( outputs_ref_2, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".ref.2.pdf", colorbar=True, ) chrlen = [l for c, l in genome.get_chr_lens() if c == chr1].pop() s = StructuralChange2(chr1, chrlen) if orientation1 == "+": s.delete(pos1, chrlen) else: s.delete(0, pos1 - 1) s.invert(0, chrlen - pos1 + 1) chrlen = [l for c, l in genome.get_chr_lens() if c == chr2].pop() s2 = StructuralChange2(chr2, chrlen) if orientation2 == "-": s2.delete(0, pos2 - 1) else: s2.delete(pos2, chrlen) s2.invert(0, pos2) breakpos = s.coord_points[-1] s = s + s2 if window_radius == 16000000: wpos = coord_clip(breakpos, s.coord_points[-1]) sequence = [] curpos = 0 anno = [] for chrm, start, end, strand in s[wpos - window_radius : wpos + window_radius]: seq = genome.get_encoding_from_coords(chrm, start, end) if strand == "-": seq = seq[None, ::-1, ::-1] else: seq = seq[None, :, :] sequence.append(seq) anno.append([curpos, curpos + end - start]) curpos = curpos + end - start sequence = np.concatenate(sequence, axis=1) else: chrlen_alt_round = s.coord_points[-1] - s.coord_points[-1] % 32000 if chrlen_alt_round < 256000000: wpos = 128000000 (sequence, normmats) = _retrieve_multi( list(s[0:chrlen_alt_round]) + [[padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_alt_round, "+"]], genome, target=False, normmat=True, normmat_regionlist=[ [chr1 + "|" + chr2, 0, chrlen_alt_round, "+"], [padding_chr, 0, 256000000 - chrlen_alt_round, "+"], ], ) curpos = 0 anno = [] for chrm, start, end, strand in s[0:chrlen_alt_round]: anno.append([curpos, curpos + end - start]) curpos = curpos + end - start else: wpos = coord_clip(breakpos, chrlen_alt_round, window_radius=128000000) (sequence, normmats) = _retrieve_multi( list(s[wpos - window_radius : wpos + window_radius]), genome, target=False, normmat=True, normmat_regionlist=[ [chr1 + "|" + chr2, wpos - window_radius, wpos + window_radius, "+"] ], ) curpos = 0 anno = [] for chrm, start, end, strand in s[wpos - window_radius : wpos + window_radius]: anno.append([curpos, curpos + end - start]) curpos = curpos + end - start anno_scaled = process_anno([[anno[0][-1], "double"]], base=0, window_radius=window_radius) if window_radius == 16000000: outputs_alt = genomepredict( sequence, chr1 + "|" + chr2, breakpos, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, use_cuda=use_cuda ) if file is not None: genomeplot(outputs_alt, show_coordinates=False, file=file + ".alt.pdf", colorbar=True) else: outputs_alt = genomepredict_256Mb( sequence, chr1 + "|" + chr2, normmats, chrlen_alt_round, breakpos, wpos, models=models, annotation=anno_scaled, padding_chr=padding_chr, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) if file is not None: genomeplot_256Mb( outputs_alt, show_coordinates=True, file=file + ".alt.256m.pdf", ) return outputs_ref_1, outputs_ref_2, outputs_alt
if __name__ == "__main__": from docopt import docopt import sys import os doc = """ Orca multiscale genome interaction sequence model prediction tool. Usage: orca_predict region [options] <coordinate> <output_dir> orca_predict del [options] <coordinate> <output_dir> orca_predict dup [options] <coordinate> <output_dir> orca_predict inv [options] <coordinate> <output_dir> orca_predict break [options] <coordinate> <output_dir> Options: -h --help Show this screen. --show_genes Show gene annotation (only supported for 32Mb models). --show_tracks Show chromatin tracks (only supported for 32Mb models). --256m Use 256Mb models (default is 32Mb). --nocuda Use CPU implementation. --version Show version. """ if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.argv.append("-h") arguments = docopt(doc, version="Orca v0.1") show_genes = arguments["--show_genes"] show_tracks = arguments["--show_tracks"] window_radius = 128000000 if arguments["--256m"] else 16000000 use_cuda = not arguments["--nocuda"] load_resources(models=["32M"], use_cuda=use_cuda) if arguments["region"]: predtype = "region" elif arguments["del"]: predtype = "del" elif arguments["dup"]: predtype = "dup" elif arguments["inv"]: predtype = "inv" elif arguments["break"]: predtype = "break" def predict(chrm, start, end, savedir): if not os.path.exists(savedir): os.makedirs(savedir) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = process_region( chrm, start, end, hg38, target=target_available, file=savedir + "/orca_pred", show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, window_radius=window_radius, padding_chr="chr1", use_cuda=use_cuda, ), savedir + "/orca_pred.pth") return None def get_interactions(predtype, content, savedir): if predtype == "region": pdf_names = ["orca_pred.pdf"] if show_genes or show_tracks: pdf_names += ["orca_pred.anno.pdf"] chrstr, coordstr = str(content).split(":") chrstr = "chr" + chrstr.replace("chr", "") coord_s, coord_e = coordstr.split("-") predict(chrstr, int(coord_s), int(coord_e), savedir) elif predtype in ["dup", "del"]: pdf_names = ["orca_pred.ref.l.pdf", "orca_pred.ref.r.pdf", "orca_pred.alt.pdf"] if show_genes or show_tracks: pdf_names += [ "orca_pred.ref.l.anno.pdf", "orca_pred.ref.r.anno.pdf", "orca_pred.alt.anno.pdf", ] chrstr, coordstr = str(content).split(":") chrstr = "chr" + chrstr.replace("chr", "") coord_s, coord_e = coordstr.split("-") if not os.path.exists(savedir): os.makedirs(savedir) if predtype == "dup": outputs_ref_l, outputs_ref_r, outputs_alt = process_dup( chrstr, int(coord_s), int(coord_e), hg38, target=target_available, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, file=savedir + "/orca_pred", window_radius=window_radius, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) else: outputs_ref_l, outputs_ref_r, outputs_alt = process_del( chrstr, int(coord_s), int(coord_e), hg38, target=target_available, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, file=savedir + "/orca_pred", window_radius=window_radius, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) { "outputs_ref_l": outputs_ref_l, "outputs_ref_r": outputs_ref_r, "outputs_alt": outputs_alt, }, savedir + "/orca_pred.pth", ) elif predtype == "inv": pdf_names = [ "orca_pred.ref.l.pdf", "orca_pred.ref.r.pdf", "orca_pred.alt.l.pdf", "orca_pred.alt.r.pdf", ] if show_genes or show_tracks: pdf_names += [ "orca_pred.ref.l.anno.pdf", "orca_pred.ref.r.anno.pdf", "orca_pred.alt.l.anno.pdf", "orca_pred.alt.r.anno.pdf", ] chrstr, coordstr = str(content).split(":") chrstr = "chr" + chrstr.replace("chr", "") coord_s, coord_e = coordstr.split("-") if not os.path.exists(savedir): os.makedirs(savedir) outputs_ref_l, outputs_ref_r, outputs_alt_l, outputs_alt_r = process_inv( chrstr, int(coord_s), int(coord_e), hg38, target=target_available, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, file=savedir + "/orca_pred", window_radius=window_radius, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) { "outputs_ref_l": outputs_ref_l, "outputs_ref_r": outputs_ref_r, "outputs_alt_l": outputs_alt_l, "outputs_alt_r": outputs_alt_r, }, savedir + "/orca_pred.pth", ) elif predtype == "break": pdf_names = ["orca_pred.ref.1.pdf", "orca_pred.ref.2.pdf", "orca_pred.alt.pdf"] if show_genes or show_tracks: pdf_names += [ "orca_pred.ref.1.anno.pdf", "orca_pred.ref.2.anno.pdf", "orca_pred.alt.anno.pdf", ] chr_coord_1, chr_coord_2, orientations = str(content.replace("\t", " ")).split(" ") chr1, coord1 = chr_coord_1.split(":") chr2, coord2 = chr_coord_2.split(":") chr1 = "chr" + chr1.replace("chr", "") chr2 = "chr" + chr2.replace("chr", "") orientation1, orientation2 = orientations.split("/") if not os.path.exists(savedir): os.makedirs(savedir) outputs_ref_1, outputs_ref_2, outputs_alt = process_single_breakpoint( chr1, int(coord1), chr2, int(coord2), orientation1, orientation2, hg38, target=target_available, show_genes=show_genes, show_tracks=show_tracks, file=savedir + "/orca_pred", window_radius=window_radius, use_cuda=use_cuda, ) { "outputs_ref_1": outputs_ref_1, "outputs_ref_2": outputs_ref_2, "outputs_alt": outputs_alt, }, savedir + "/orca_pred.pth", ) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected prediction type!") return None get_interactions(predtype, arguments["<coordinate>"], arguments["<output_dir>"])